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                               Jasper pov
I was fighting to control the major even though we both wanted the same thing, to get our mate away from Isabella swan. After school Bella went with Jessica and Athena saying it would be easier to pick up the both of them at the same time instead of going to both houses.

I pulled up to Athena's house in Emmett's jeep and quickly got out to go to my mate hoping she was alright and I wouldn't have to risk exposing what we are. Because I would do anything for Athena and to keep her safe.

Athena pov
I opened the front door for Jasper knowing he would be struggling until he knew I was ok and that Bella didn't harm me. "Hi jazz" I smiled at him trying to ease his worry the best I can, he quickly made his way to me, checking me for any injuries finding none he signed in relief and pulled me into his arms. "I'm so glad your alright I was worried and the major wanted out to get her as far away from you as possible" he mumbled into my neck as I held onto him tighter. Just then a throat was cleared and I heard Bella "hi Jasper where's my hug?" I felt Jasper tense, looking up I noticed he was now glaring at her and his eyes were flickering black so I tilted his head down and kissed him knowing it would calm him enough to not kill Bella even though I've thought about it.

After packing a bag the three of us walked outside to the jeep. Before I could get to the passenger door Bella pushed me out of the way "I'm riding up front with Jasper" she sent me a smug smile, knowing she was trying to get to me I shrugged and walked with Jasper to the driver side with jaspers help I climbed into the seat behind him before he closed the door he kissed my forehead. Once we started driving Bella started trying to flirt and touch Jasper, seeing how tense he was becoming I leaned forward, reaching my hand out to touch his shoulder "I'm right here major I love you" I whispered so only he could hear me. Jasper relaxed slightly and grabbed my hand stroking a thumb across my knuckles.

Arriving at the field the jeep came to an abrupt stop, before I could even reach the door it was opened for me "thank you cowboy" I smiled up at him seeing his smirk "you're welcome darlin" we started walking towards the field I risked a glance at Bella to see her glaring at me. I knew Bella hated me but for the first time I felt afraid of what she might do to get her way, I felt cold fingers touch my chin turning my head the other direction forcing me to meet honey colored eyes I saw the worry in his gaze and knew he was thinking the same thing I was this caused him to move so he was between Bella and I then he pulled me closer.

Walking to the field Esme came up to give me a hug "I'm glad your here we need an umpire" Emmett walked past us "she thinks we cheat" I snickered "bear I know you cheat" I responded and laughed at his fake look of hurt like I actually wounded him.

The game began with Rosalie batting first once she hit the ball I heard Bella "that's gotta be a home run right" Esme have her a tense smile, always one to be nice to people no matter who they are, "Edward is very fast" as soon as she said that the ball came flying straight to her making Rosalie out. Rosalie glared at Bella as Emmett yelled "come on babe it's just a game"

Next up was Carlisle, I watched as Edward and Emmett raced towards the ball both jumping to catch it and slamming into each other it sounded like boulders crashing into each other, I couldn't help but laugh at them. As Jasper went up to the plate he did a cool trick with the bat, I smirked "show off" I chuckled, Jasper sent me a wink before getting into position. He hit the ball which Emmett went after climbing up a tree to catch it "my monkey man" I heard Rosalie say from behind me I turned to smile at her. Jasper walked back over to me pouting slightly "it's ok cowboy you'll get the next one" I told him trying to cheer him up a bit.

Once Rosalie hit again I noticed Alice get the look on her face that says she was getting a vision as soon as I thought that she yelled "stop" all of the Cullens rushed over to me, Jasper pulled me into his arms. "They were leaving but then they heard us' Alice looked at me and Jasper 'I'm sorry major I didn't know" it was then I noticed the perfect posture and tense muscles of my boyfriend "stay close to me angel" the majors strong southern accent came three and I immediately nodded my head pressing myself against him.

As soon as Edward broke Bella's hair tie Alice started arranging her hair trying to cover her scent as much as possible "like that'll help I can smell her from across the field" Rosalie snapped towards Bella, it was no secret that she hated Bella she turned to me "we won't let anything happen to you I promise" she sent a nod to the major before turning to face the other uninvited guests.

I watched as three people walked out of the wood two males and one female. The woman had curly red hair and wore a fur jacket, the man in the middle was African American with dreadlocks but the last man was blonde something about him made me uneasy and it wasn't because they had red eyes although that thought was unsettling.

"I believe this belongs to you" as the conversation continued I noticed the blonde who's name I now knew was James kept looking over at Bella and I this of course made the major even more tense which I didn't think was possible. I gently rubbed my hand up and down his back trying to get him to focus on me. Of course our luck had to run out just as we were about to leave, the wind blew carrying our scents, everything happened in a blur after that as the major rushed me to the jeep to get me away from the hunter.

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