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My Shift couldn't possibly take any longer to end today. Today is the day, the day i get to see him live. The day i get to see the boy i am so deeply infatuated with. Although this wont be our first encounter all the same it will be amazing, taking in to consider the chances of me meeting him are extremely limited, though a girl should have hope, tonight is the night that im going to witness the angel known only as Shawn Mendes perform. " So im gonna pick you up tonight at 5:30, and drive you to L.A and then come back at around 9:30" said my best friend Nick " yea. but don't honk. just text me and i'll come down, Thanks hun, this means a lot to me, Tell Darcy i said thanks for letting me borrow you, see you in... an hour" i say to Nick as i get out of his car and walk towards my beautiful house. As i walk in i pray that my brother isn't home, but they aren't answered when i see a random dude descending the stair's, " hey cutey, Chase told me he had a baby sister, he failed to mention how hot she is" the guy said as he approached me, as i he got closer i smelled a mix Tequila, weed and cigarettes " um, im sorry. i dont know what my brother has told you about me but he probably forgot to mention the fact that im 15, and you look to be about 22 so, have a nice day" i say as i attempt to escape to the solitude of my room " no babe, i know exactly how old you are, and i know the things i wanna do to this pretty little body of yours" he says as he steps closer, he sticks his arms out and runs his rough fingers over my arm, and i dont like it " can you not?" i say as i yank my arm away and walk up the stairs in the direction of my room only to be yanked around " Chase didnt mention a smart ass mouth when he spoke of you, he even ensenuated that you might like me , maybe your just playing hard to get" he said. It makes my skin crawl, to think my brother would just whore me off to some random dude " i bet he also failed to mention that i will call the cops on you. i will never like you, not for the best drugs in the world or all of the money, if you touch me again i will call the cops, and tell my 'brother' that i no longer consider hi that, he's just a stranger in the room down the hall" i said before i stomped off to my room and left the man standing there, as i walked to my room i saw Chase, he held a happy grin on his face " Hey Cadence" he said, he makes my skin crawl, i didnt even respond to him. i went in my room. considering im the baby girl of the family, i spoiled, so when i told my daddy i wanted to move into the attic, considering it held more space, there was very little protest, and most of it was from my mom. My father simply ignored her protest's and hired some one to make it livable. as i striped of my old clothes, i thought of the possible scenarios of tonight. The good, He look's at me as he sings Life of the party, and his other beautiful songs that i have listened to numerous times. I could get into an altercation with another fan girl, oh boy. once i was done getting dressed i looked at my self in the mirror i look... so unlike myself, i am wearing one of the outfits reserved especially for family events, i would prefer not to wear them but my family prefers it, i feel so.... open in this type of clothing. A Test on my phone brought me back from my dazed state.

From: Nickey Poo

im Here. do you want me to come to the door?

To: Nickey poo

no. but have the engine running, another one of my brothers creepy friends are here.

Before i could grab my purse the door bell rung " hey Nick. what's up man..... Yea shes upstairs.... what are you guys doing tonight... yea uhn huhn" i heard as i descended the stairs, all vital items in hand. i walked Past Chase and his friend with out saying a single word to them. " good night little sis, dont have to much fun" he said, it was in that moment that i cracked " i am not your sister, you were so willing to just give me away to one of your low life peice of shit friends, brothers dont do that, you are no brother of mine, I see Nick as my brother way more than I do you, although that isn't saying much" i said before walking out of the house and into Nicks car.


" remember what i told you, dont take any drinks from any one. dont turn your back on anyone. stay in highly populated areas. If you do drink, remember, ' Liquor before beer, in the clear. beer before liquor never sicker, although i know you wont drink any liquor. but hun go have fun. im mad that Darcy got sick. i dont like the idea of you being alone " he said before rapping me in a hug and kiss on the cheek" Later babe" i said i got out his car. i love Nick, he's like a brother to me, he's awesome, he's also my best friend Darcy's brother, so yea, he's a few months older than me, so his mom and dad got him an Audi for his his birthday, which i love. He's so humble, he doesn't have to work but he chooses to, im the same, that's why i love him so much. i Stood outside of the Staples center, waiting on the long line, with every moment that passed i grew more and more excited. " Hi. im Alex" ( i had to) said a girl beside me " hi my name is Mariah" i said to the girl, Cadence is reserved specifically for friends and Family. " i knew it was you, im a fan, your voice is amazing by the way" She said, referring to my you tube channel where i only had a few thousand follower's " thank you" i said, Alex and i chatted until the doors opened, we were happy to that our seats were next t each other, i can already tell that this gonna be a good night, i sat front row with two feelings, anxiety and self confidence, because i look really good looking. The best part is that i made this happen, saved tips and check's i did this. This will be the best night of my life.


This is one of the few Authors notes i will do. i just wanna give a special thanks to my friends who helped make this happen. Thanks guys, and The chapter names will be random, song lyrics and Titles, so yea. thanks guys.

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