Beside You

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Hey Mariah" Shawn said, from the other end of the line " Hey Shawn, whatssup" i said, popping the 'P' " um, my friend Jc is throwing a party and I was wondering if you wanted to be my date if you don't want to ill understand" He said, " Yea, of course, When is the party. Oh and how am i supposed to dress?" I asked " the party is at 8, sorry for the short notice and you can dress how ever you want" he said "ok, i'm gonna get dressed, i'll text you my address" i said before hanging up. As soon as i pressed send on the text my room door bursted open to reveal a frantic Darcy with a big bag in her hand " Cameron just invited me to a really big party and i know Shawn asked you so im picking your outfit" she said as she walked straight to my walk in closet, another reason i love this room, before we converted it, it was all just a big empty space, now I have a walk in closet and an en-suite bathroom. Darcy spent 5 minutes in my closet before walking out with this " but i don't-" she cut me off " no 'buts' i don't care, do you wanna look pretty in front of all of our favorite you tubers?"I simply nodded and went to the bathroom to shower and flatten my hair , when i came out it was 7:00 and Darcy was dressed already waiting for me , when she saw me she gasped " you look beautiful, not that you dont every day but oh my gosh hunny look at you" she said like a proud mother. We voyaged down stairs in search of something to drink. We had been sitting in the kitchen for 20 minutes when we got text's saying to go outside, waiting for us, Cameron holding a bouquet of flowers while Shawn had his hands behind his back and rocked back and forth, when we approached Cam handed Darcy the flowers while Shawn just hugged me " I know you dont like flowers so I didnt know what to get you" he said, in a sad voice " it's okay, and i'm glad you didn't I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything" I said genuinely, Shawn opened the back seat door for me and i slid into the seat, when he got in i put my head on his shoulder " you look beautiful by the way" he said, causing a frenzy in the pit of my stomach " Thank you" i said, showing a trace of a smile. we sat there, fingers intertwined in a comfortable silence while Darcy and cam told cute jokes. That's the thing about her, it always came easy for her with boys and people I have had a few boyfriends and a lot of friends but she was just better at it. When we pulled up Shawn got out and opened the door for me and held my hand, he guided through the house and the masses of people until we got to the kitchen where the food and liquor was and there stood in all their Glory Kian Lawly and JC Caylen, " hey bro's wassup " they greeted as Shawn and Cam came into View with us by their sides. " Hi im Jc and this is Kian, we just wanna appologize for our friends' rudeness" JC said the guys didnt introduce us. " oh yea, guys my bad this my date Mariah, and this is Cameron's Date Darcy" Shawn said, my heart almost jumped

. " so guys there's a camera going around through out the party that has a live stream to the tv in the living room and you now, who ever get the camera has to Kiss, their crush, that is unless their with some one already " Kian said. " this should be fun" I said in a sarcastic voice under my breath, hoping no one heard me, but Cameron had to ruin it " it will be since I know two people who have been waiting for an excuse to kiss each other" he said with a wink,as he walked from his position beside me to the living room with Darcy couldn't tell if he was talking about Shawn and I or him and Darcy, I quickly shook the thought off seeing as how people were talking to me. " so Mariah, how old are you?" Jc asked, the question i knew was coming " 15 " i said, in a small voice as i took a sip of my soda, I dont know what they are going to think of me, I mean I'm young socially awkward and I'm kinda loud, that is once you get to know me " yay we're getting a little sister" Kian said, jumping around like me after Starbucks ( true story). I couldn't help but laugh. " Mariah, you wanna dance?" Shawn asked me once 'Show you' by Chris Brown and Kid Ink came on, I nodded and put my drink down as he pulled me to the dance floor, I waved to Kian and Jc as I was pulled into the abyss of teens. We arrived at the dance floor to see #Dameron on the dance floor grinding " oh look at Dameron I said to show into his ear in a low voice, he laughed " can we have a ship name too?" he asked and I put on a thinking face " Mhawn Sariah Chawn Sadence?" I asked " I like Sariah and Sadence, no offence but they sound the best. But uh does this mean I can call you cadence?" he asked,and in all honesty I dont know. I was about answer him when I heard a bunch of 'oh's' or ' hey bro' or ' what's up' before Carter and Matthew walked in through the crowded room,the loud music mean I had to speak loud enough for Shawn to hear and no one else. The boys walked around the room giving hugs and pounds before they came to us ( us being the couples Sadence, and Dameron) " hey bro's what's up, long time no see" Carter said, directing it to both Shawn and Cam " nothing much, same old same old. But um let me introduce you to our dates, this is my date Darcy and Shawn's Date Mariah '' Cameron said. Matt and Carter shared a look " ooooohhh , " they said in unison" you're. Mariah, you guys have been all over our feeds lately, Sariah is literally trending as we speak" Matt said. I tried to contain the small that was fighting its way on to my face along with cherry red blush. " so basically they like each other but wont come out and say it " Cam said "oh, well I ship it" Matt said before the duo walked away " we're going to get something to drink" Darce said before dragging cam in to the kitchen, " so, apparently we like each other but wont admit it" i said with a smirk as we dance to ' Na Na' " well I like you, and I'm pretty sure you like me,and the only thing we're waiting for is you" He said " well I like you,and we've only known each other for about almost a week" I said as a short girl with red hair walked up to us and handed us a camera, with kisses tattered all over it, " pucker up lover boy " I said and he grabbed my torso and pulled me in, mashing our lips together in a perfect mold, they meshed together like dough and I loved it,I forgot we were on Camera for a second seeing as how Shawn pulled away first and tool the camera handing it to some kid who I think is Trevor. "thats gonna start something " I said with a laugh " let it" he said. The rest of the party went by perfectly. I was in the Kitchen getting some soda when Sammy Wilk walked in, I struggled to keep my composure when he spoke to me " hey you're Mariah right?" he asked and i nodded " I'm Sammy " he said and i nodded again " okay so you and Shawn aren't a you and Shawn but you're a you and Shawn,and i just wanna say i ship you and shawn. You get it?" he asked " kinda" i responded " so what are you doing in here?" he asked " party's aren't my forte and Jack J and Ricky whisked Shawn away somewhere and My nest friend is dancing with Cameron and this is where the food is so this is where I came " I said as I shoved a tortilla with spinach dip into my mouth," and its quite fun, because every five minutes a drunk couple come in, makes out takes a drink and leaves" I said and as if on cue, a girl with bleach blonde hair booty shorts a crop top and way too much make up came in pulling a boy with a tee shirt and a flannel and skinny jeans and began making out, forcing there tongue's down each others throats,they took the pre-poured cups and left, leaving me and Sammy to laugh our butts off. We had been in the kitchen talking for a while when Sammy said something " I like you better than Melina" he said" who's that?" I inquired" she's a girl he used to talk to but she broke his heart, he wrote his songs for her. I like you more,you won't hurt him,at least not intentionally, your cool " he said, I went into my purse to get my phone and saw that it was 2am and I had two missed calls from my dad and brother, and i responded in text letting them know i was at a party. There was another 15 minute's before Shawn came back " you ready to go?" he asked, twirling the car keys around his finger " yea lets go" I said before turning to Sammy and letting him engulf me in a bear hug " later" I called before I walked out the door " Dameron isn't coming with us? " I asked, seeing as how we were the only ones leaving " yea , neither one felt like leaving yet and I thought you might be tired so I decided i should probably take you home, And I don't know how your parents are I don't wanna burn any bridges" he said with a slight smile. A thought dawned on me " wait, um, Shawn hunn. your birthday is next month, which means that you're still 15 so you don't have a license so I think that you should maybe not drive after we get to my house " I said as he pulled up in front of my house. " okay, i'll call a cab and come get it tomorrow" he said, pulling into my driveway. He isn't a bad driver, it's just that i don't want him to get pulled over. " No, it's okay, you can spend the night at my house and when Austin comes to get me tomorrow he ca come get us and he can bring your swim suit" I said and he turned the car off and followed me to my door. We walked in and the lights were on yet no one was around, we walked up the stairs, seeing as how Chase was at a friends house and my dad was on a ' business trip' and he'll be back by Monday when i'm pretty sure he's out with Roxanne. I was surprised when as we were waling towards my room the lights turned on and revealed my mother a stuttering wobbling mess " w-who is this huh, i-is this your b-boyfriend?" she slurred and Shawn and I stopped in our tracks , we weren't sneaking but I wasn't prepared to see her, I ave been avoiding her for the past few day's, not wanting be in her drunken madness. " Shawn can you go upstairs? I'll be there in a second" I said as she wobbled towards us. he walked towards my room " w-was that your boy friend?" she asked with a creepy smile " No, he isn't, so if you'll please excuse me I have to go " I said as I turned to walk towards my room " A little word of advice, they don't last long with us, they usually want more, we aren't like them. Our color" She said as I closed my door and walked up the stairs. Shawn was sitting on my bed " s-she isn't always..." I said I tried to get it out with out crying I slumped down to the ground and he came over to me, and i cried into his shoulder "it's just so much" I said. this was the first time in a while that i have ever cried over her drunken habits, and it felt so good and long over due.


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