Some Girls Just Freak Me Out

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I awake with the brightest smile on my face, reminiscing over all of last night's detail's. Wait. I don't remember going to bed last night, ' oh no, please don't let it have been a dream ' i plead as i reach for my phone, i let out a sigh of relief once i see a picture of Shawn and i last night, i'm startled when my door burst's open and i hear, quick foot step's approaching. All fear leaves my body when i see a red nosed tangled haired Darcy " Nick told me about Shawn. Tell me everything" She said, laying down at the edge of my bed. " uhm. are you okay, you still look... icky' i said, referring to her sickly features " you really know how to make a girl feel good, but yea i'm alright " she said as she pulled her special pillow from beside me " Just kidding babe. you look better than me on any day" i said, immediately regretting it afterwards Darcy hates it when i put myself down, or talk bad of one of my features " Cadence" she said in a warning tone " how did you get in any way's?" i asked, considering that neither my mother or brother wake up before noon. " your dad-" before she could finish the sentence i was up and running down the stair's. " papa" i called as i dashed into his broad arms " ma belle fille" ( my beautiful daughter) said my father as He released me reluctantly , " how are you darling?" he asked " i'm fine daddy, i just missed you" i said honestly " nice pajamas" he said with a grin plastered to his face i examined my self and laughed " i was so tired last night, i think i got dressed in my sleep" i said as i let out a laugh. " hey again Darcy. Do you girls wanna go out to breakfast?" he asked, eyeballing the stairs, as if waiting for some hideous beast to emerge, and i know what he's waiting for. He knows my mother will awaken from her alcohol induced slumber, and he doesn't want to subject us to that, but i see it every day. " oh. im sorry pop's but im in my P.J's and they are very comfy" Darcy said, her hair looking way better than before, and her nose displayed no signs of sickness, " bitte" he said ( please) he pleaded with my best friend, eventually she gave in, hunger kicking in, " do i have to change my clothes?" she asked " no. neither of you do, what your wearing is perfect " he say's examining us both wearing sweat pants and T-shirts, i quickly grab a pair of black converse and walk towards the door with my dad and best friend.

" can we drive in Darcy's car and you drive in yours?" i asked, he nodded and opened the door, as we walked towards our respective car's a random one pulled up and my brother jumped no stumbled out " hey daddy" he slurred as he walked past " Daniel" my father stated coldly as i my brother walked into the house. My father's face held a look of pain anger and disgust " we'll follow you" i said, as i got into the drivers seat, although i am 15 i still have a permit and Darcy has a license, i drove at a steady pace behind my father. " spill " she said, i knew what she was talking about. i told her the story and by the time i was done, my dad was pulling off of the highway into L.a " oh my god. you lucky bitch, i wish i would have come " she say's with a grin," i'm glad you didn't go, you would'a had enough sense to tell me that the rest room's wouldnt be that way . honestly" i said, and she laughed " you're right, i just wish i could have met 5th Harmony" she said " oh, its okay, im gonna see them again on Saturday" i said as my phone started ringing " Hello " the voice said " yes, who's this?" asked Darcy, i only smiled, i know who it is, i just wanna see her facial expression " hi it's Cameron, and i'm looking for Mariah" her face looked as if she had saw a ghost " hey Cam, how can i help you ?" i asked as my father made a right turn which i followed en'suite " what are you doing today beautiful" i swear in that Moment Darce could have pissed her self, the way her face looked "currently, im in L.a going god know's- oh no, he stopped, apparently im going to a country club, The Hacienda, with my dad, but after that, nothing, im' off for the rest of the week" i said, I have worked double shifts at the pet shop i work at, a double shift is 2 4 hour shift's of cleaning, walking feeding and coddling animal's. " oh. ok, do you think you wanna chill with Nash and i too, you can bring your friend" he said referring to Darcy "yea. we'll meet you later" she said, after our silent mental conversation, " okay call me later, i'll give you the address " he said " okay later Cam, and when you see Shawn can you tell him i said hi" i said, than there was a shuffling in the background" what about me babe, i don't get a hi" said the voice, and i swear my heart dropped to my ass, as i got out of the car and gave the cholfer ' Thank you' i mouth to the teenage boy. we walk at least three feet behind my dad " Dude you better stop before Shawn kill's you, the way he was talking bout her, ". Oh. My. God " No. Way. no... Is this Jack... and Jack?" i asked, my voice just above a whisper " yes it is beautiful- but honestly, you should come hang out with us later, Shawn will be there. and he will be happy to see you. don't tell him your coming. Let's surprise our little Canadian aye." he said " okay, sorry Gilinsky but i gotta go, thank's for making me blush" i said before hanging up and walking into the dining room where i found my father seated next to a women, wearing exercise clothing, they were talking closely and whispering thing's " Wer ist das?" asked Darcy ( who is that?) "mwen pa konnen. Men, li gade a enteresan" ( I dont know. but she look's interesting) i said as we approached the table " Girl's take a seat, i want you to meet my Co- worker, Roxanne This is my daughter and my honorary Daughter, who for arguments sake is my daughter" he said, introducing us " Darcy." she said, holding out her hand for her to shake, which she gladly excepted . " Mariah. You have beautiful eyes" i said as i stared into her piercing brown orb's.. She smiled, thankfully " Daddy, how could you bring us here, dressed like this, i mean this is a country club for goodness sakes" i scolded, he laughed "Girl's your're here to exercise, or relax, and i figured those clothes will work well with that" he said as a group of extremely cute boy's walked by, they all looked at us "Han satte oss. Hevn?" ( he set us up. Revenge? " Hevn" she said, he looked scared and confused, Darcy and i knew a lot of languages, we like having inside jokes and when you can tell them n any language it's so much better "Jeg er enig jente. Men du fremdeles ser bra, de gutten fortsatt ser på deg." Said Roxanne, making every ones jaw drop (I agree girl's. But you still look good, those boy's are still looking at you.) " no. we are the table, no foreign languages. Unless we all know them, " he said. The rest of the break fast went by smoothly, then we were dismissed to explore the ground's , people often lookng at us. " Mariah" Darcy said, her voice laced with pity " i know" i said " he's sleeping with her. and the worst part is. i'm not even mad"

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