||21|| You Run Away

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-Benicio Drew-

Benicio had one to many drinks, and it wasn't helping that people were trying to pick a fight with him. A man was also drunk and pulled out a gun, aiming at your father as he slept on the bar counter. You were only twelve at the time, so out of instinct. You took the revolver out of Benicio's belt and pointed it at the random man. You were shaking from the pressure you were under. "Ha! Who's the kid?!" He shouted, cocking the gun, then he aimed it back at you, right between the eyes. "Huh?" Benicio said, finally waking up. He stood up, looking at you. He ripped his gun out of your hands. You hid behind him, but before Benicio could shoot him, Moon dragged him out of the bar. After that, he drove you and Benicio home. "Wowee! I really thought we were goners!" Benicio's head snapped back at you, "Are you serious?!" He shouted, you jumped. "What?" You said, trying you hug him, he backed away. "I'm a grown man! I do not need some little girl to protect me!" He shouted; his eyes red from anger. "First of all, I'm your little girl. Second of all, I was making sure you left that bar alive." You said back, your father clenched his fist's, you knew to be very patient with him, knowing he had a temper, but he rarely took it out on you. "Daddy, please just relax! It's not a big deal! You've let me handle guns before." You snapped back, you covered your mouth, realizing you sassed him. "It is a big deal! I am a man! Your father! And the man of this house! I don't need you!" He shouted. Your heart stopped; halo went completely dark. He took out a small box out of his back pocket and threw it at you. "And to think I got you that, for my birthday?" He scoffed, it was a locket, of you and him when you were a baby. You ran to your room, crying. Your packed your backpack, if he didn't need you, then you didn't need to be around. You left the house and went right back to Moon Mans Bar, "Y/N? What are you doing back here, and without Benicio?" He asked you, you shrugged. Pulling out a paper and wrote the street address of an abandoned buildings, "I'll be there if you need me, don't tell my dad unless it's an emergency Moon." You said, then ran out. You found the buildings and made your way inside one. You set up your blanket and pillow, taking out one snack you packed along with the others. 

✧The Next Morning✧

Benicio had a huge hangover and was trying to find you to calm his mood. "Angel cakes? Where are you?" He called out, his head pounding itself. "Boris? Where is Y/N...?" He asked, but then he realized his brother was out of town. He groaned, "Angel?! Where are you?!" He yelled. He thought you must be sleeping in, so he went to your bedroom and opened the door, hoping to see you, he only saw a bare bed, your blanket and the one of the pillows missing. "Angel?" Benicio started to freak out, tearing the whole house apart to find you. The he ran to Moon Mans. "Moon! I can't find my daughter!" He shouted, Moon played it off, knowing you needed some time alone. 

 ✧A Few Days Later✧

Benicio was absolutely miserable without you, his emotions were acting up, his heart was broken, and he truly thought he had lost it all, he didn't care about his money, the fortune he made. All he wanted was you, his baby girl, his little angel. Moon knew he needed you, so he gave Benicio the address, he ran to find you. After searching a few buildings, he finally found you napping, he ran to you, picking you up and holding you as he silently cried. Waking you up in the process. "Oh! my sweet angel! I missed you so much! Don't you ever do that to me again!" He cried, squeezing you tightly. "What...?" You looked around. Thinking it was the homeless guy trying to pick a fight again. "Angel cakes... Why did you do that?!" Your dad shouted. Kissing you head softly. "D-Daddy...?" You said, he nodded, tears still in his eyes. "Don't ever leave me again.... I still need you... No matter how much I say I don't, I still do..."

-Mr. Moon-

Moon was practically ignoring you at this point, and you really needed him. For your comfort and reassurance, you were on the verge of tears as he told you for the fifteenth time that day. "But-" He cut you off. "No buts about it Y/N, daddy's busy with a lot right now." He said, gently pushing you out of his office, and closing the door in your face. You lightly sniffed, quickly going back to your bedroom, and wrapping your arms around your pillow, straggling it as you cried into the other one. If he didn't have time for you, then you would leave and talk to someone else who actually had time for you, your uncle, Moon Man. You packed your backpack with a few stuffed animals and snacks. Then you walked right out the front door, you finally made it to the bar, and went through the back. "Uncle Moony?" You asked, coming from behind the racks of alcohol. He didn't notice you at first, he was talking to the Mob Boss Benicio Drew. "And the guy- uh, who's the kid?" The demon asked the bar tender. "Hm?" Moon turned around to see you. "Oh! Hello sweetheart! I didn't see you there!" He said, picking you up and spinning you around. "Benicio, this is my niece, Y/N!" Benicio stopped drinking his whiskey. "Niece? So that's... Mr. Moon's kid!?" He shouted, you whined, shoving your head deeper into your uncle's neck. He nodded. "Ah, can I see her?" Benicio asked, Moon was hesitant, he knew your father and the demon didn't like each other much. "Sure but keep my niece out of the war you have between you and my brother." Moon said. Benicio nodded, putting you in the air to examine you. You whined loudly. "Brother! Have you seen Y/N- Drew...." Your father said, his eyes glowing a neon light blue. You called out for him. "Relax prim and proper, I was just lookin' at her." Benicio said, taking another sip of his drink. "I don't care! Don't ever touch my baby again!" Moon said, storming out the door with you. "Your brother is an ass." The demon said, Moon Man nodded.

-Boris Drew-

Boris stayed home a lot more, so you never had an opportunity to run away to the backyard to snack on anything bad anymore. But it's not like you wanted him to leave anyways, Boris loved you better than the Warden ever did. He used you, Boris didn't.

-Abel Angel-

It's not like you were going to stay away for ever, because you knew your dad would flip his shit. So you'd just sneak out. You were a fourteen-year-old, trying to sneak out to see the fights that Toon Town holds every year. You always dreamed of seeing them in person, but over course, your overprotective dad said no. So this particular night, you decided to disobey Abel and go to the fights, with or without him. "Where do you think you're going missy?" Abel asked, he was at the top of the stairs, as you were about to open the front door. "To get a midnight snack...?" You lied, Abel and you had got your favorite snacks that morning. "Mhm... Well, I suppose you were sleep walking and heading for the kitchen for your snack, and not the door." You sighed. "Tell me the truth." he said, his eyes glowing within the darkness of the house. "Daddy please! I really want to see these fights!" You whined. Abel groaned. "Oh sweetheart, not this again!" He shouted, coming down the stairs and blocking the door. "No, means no, I'm sorry dear but that's how it's going to be." Abel said, folding his arms and leaning against the front door. You looked down, feeling tears prick your eyes. You tried to hide it, you were a fighter, tough and strong. Daddy's little tomboy. You thought crying made you look weak, so you avoided it, you hadn't had a good cry in a very long time. You sniffed. Abel hooked a finger under your chin, making you face him. He was shocked when he saw your teary face. "Oh darling..." He grabbed you by the arms, pulling you into his chest, covering your body with his wings. You let it all out, throwing your arms around his neck. "Does this really mean that much to you?" He asked. You nodded. Abel sighed, "Alright, I'll go and get my coat." He said leaving you downstairs for a moment. You were shocked. Abel came back downstairs with his coat, lighter, and a pack of cigars. "Let's go darlin'." You smiled, kissing his cheek as he wiped away the spare tears.

-Moon Man-

You were a very small child, about two years old, so you didn't know what the true meaning of running away meant, so your definition meant. Leaving your bedroom. It was a simple room, with anything you would need. So you took your favorite stuffed animal and pulled the door open, since Moon left it open a bit to hear you if you needed him. You crawled out. "What are you doing?" Moon laughed. Watching you as you crawled towards him instead of the door. You felt so proud of yourself, so you thought you deserved some fresh milk. You handed your daddy the bottle and he gladly filled it up for you.


Taker watched you like it was nobody else's business. Plus, you didn't want to run away in the first place, Taker loved you deeply, and never wanted you to leave him alone like he was before you found him. You found it cute that he needed you.

𝙏𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙁𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙨Where stories live. Discover now