☆ author's note ☆

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thank you for reading 𝔦𝔱'𝔰 𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱 𝔱𝔬𝔬 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔡

(trigger/ content warnings still apply to this chapter.)


𝐈. character notes

𝐈𝐈. questions

𝐈𝐈𝐈. new book! / goodbye and thank you

𝐈. character notes

here are the character profiles that i write before each story (basically a prologue)

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ dream

dream's best friends are punz and sapnap, who he has known for ages, and tina, who he got sat with in a few of his classes this year.

dream had adhd and is supposed to take oral amphetamine tablets (a stimulant to help increase his focus) but he doesn't most days because he says they make him feel sad.

when he does take them, it gives him a tic where his head jerks to the side. he tried dextroamphetamine before but had even worse tics so he just sticks with this one.

he hyperfixates on people and when he loves he loves A LOT.

his parents are just super casual, not really mentioned and he is an only child.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹sapnap

sapnap has undiagnosed insomnia.

he also has diagnosed OSDD but he refuses the therapy that he is supposed to have because he doesn't want his life to be so surrounded by his issues.

he likes to ignore his problems and pretend that that means they aren't happening.

he is on the basketball team at their school but the only other member that he actually likes is a guy called foolish. he doesn't play for the social aspect.

at the start of the book, sapnap is dating karl. at the point where the book started, they had already separated and got back together a few times, always over petty arguments that neither cared that much about in the long run, though this gets worse as the book progresses.

his parents are also just casual people, not really mentioned. they are good though, and care about him and his problems a lot.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹george

george is a #loner. he hasn't got social anxiety or anything, he just enjoys his own company and likes to spend time on his own.

he loves reading, often getting incredibly immersed in books to distract himself from the boredom of his own daily life.

he has nyctophobia (phobia of the dark). he doesn't know where it is rooted from.

his older sister (and secretly his best friend) is hannah. they have a very playful relationship, never really being serious with each other.

their parents are chill and mainly just leave the kids to themselves, since george and hannah are both very independent characters.

also he spends all his time in the library with the librarian (tabitha)

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹punz

his twin is alyssa and they live with their cousin callahan. all three of them share a small room, so they are often out of the house to get some space. punz has top bunk because he is cool.

punz and alyssa's mom is holly. their dad died before the twins were even born because of a heart problem.

they are not poor but they do not have money to spare. holly has to work hard to provide the lifestyle that she wants her kids to have (including calla, who she treats as her own).

callahan's parents were arrested for arson with the intention to endanger life after setting fire to a building and killing someone in the process (the death was unintentional). the brunette hates his parents because they're bad people and he was not that upset over their arrest.

holly is in the process of a legal battle to get full custody of calla (which she wins by the end of the book).

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹karl

he is not an innately bad person, he just makes bad choices.

he has problems of his own, with sleep and depression and such, and deals with them in unhealthy ways (alcohol mainly). he keeps this to himself, not even telling sapnap most of it.

still, his behaviour isn't excusable.

abuse is never excusable.

𝐈𝐈. questions

if there are any plot holes or you just have a random question about the story/ characters then lmk here and i'll answer asap →

𝐈𝐈𝐈. new book! // goodbye and thank you

my new book's first chapter is out and it's called they don't get a happy ending. it is going to be posted here and on my ao3 (also michealhehee) so feel free to pop over there and leave a kudos to help me out!

thank you so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed it! <3

if you did enjoy, make sure to check out my other books...

anyway, goodbye reader! i hope to see you again :]

one last time...

i love you


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