sleeping on the floor

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𝔱𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔤𝔢𝔯 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯'𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢

"i can't wait till tomorrow," dream speaks excitedly as he slams the driver's door shut, uncaring if it's the fifth time he'd said those words in the last hour. "like, i've been thinking about it all week."

"i'm glad you're excited," punz replies with a fond smile as he leads the other two up the driveway to his house. he pulls open the front door, starting to push his shoes off in the hallway as he says, "my mom is absolutely dreading it."

"what am i dreading?"

punz glances back, wide-eyed as he jumps slightly, and smiles when he sees the brunette woman in the doorway to the kitchen. he heads over to give her a brief hug whilst the others take their shoes off, answering, "the party."

holly groans as she pulls away from the hug, dramatically rolling her eyes. "don't remind me," she sighs. the blond laughs and the older woman is quick to hold up a scolding finger. "i'm being serious, luke, if i come home from the hotel and my house is a mess then i won't be happy!"

"it won't be, promise," he giggles, not missing how the brunette smiles through her next eye-roll.

"i don't promise!" punz turns back to see his sister coming down the stairs with a cheeky grin. "i'm going to get so smashed that i won't even be awake when you get back from the hotel," she says.

"i'm not going to be back until like 5pm," their mother points out.

"i know," alyssa chirps, pretending to grimace at punz as she walks through to the kitchen, simply because sisters are annoying like that.

"well, cal would never let it get messy, so i have nothing to worry about," holly assures herself, following alyssa back into the kitchen to stop the blond from snacking before dinner.

"wow, what a kind aunt," punz speaks sarcastically, looking back at his friends, who are both smiling amusedly as they wait to head upstairs.

"are you boys eating?" holly calls as she hears them going.

punz looks between his friends, earning two headshakes, before answering, "they're not, i'll have leftovers tonight."


the trio head upstairs then, beelining towards the blonde's room. they don't hang out at punz's house as often, since he had the smallest room out of the three of them and had to share it with two others, but they are all around tonight to help prepare for the party tomorrow.

plus, he is buzzing to show them all the alcohol that he and his sister had saved up to buy.

he pushes open his bedroom door, not even caring about how messy it was since he knows his two best friends would never judge him, especially not for that.

"hey," punz greets as he steps over the brunette on the floor, heading to the bed so he could pull out the box from underneath.

"hi," the brunette greets, looking up at punz and dream with a kind smile.

"wow," sapnap longs out exaggeratedly, shaking his head in feigned disappointment. "they're making you sleep on the floor?" he asks with a playful smile, nodding down at the sleeping bag that callahan is sitting on.

"we're buying him a bed as soon as possible, shush," punz assures, flashing sapnap a light-hearted glare in response to the ravenette's teasing.

sapnap just laughs in response, crossing the room to sit down on the floor by where punz was kneeling to get the drinks out.

"are you guys excited for tomorrow?" callahan asks conversationally, dropping his phone down onto the couch cushion that he'd been using as a pillow for the last few days.

"yes!" dream is quick to answer, and the other two boys stay silent to allow for the rambling that they knew was about to come. "you know tina?"

callahan nods, smiling slightly as he gives dream his undivided attention.

"she's literally like, my best friend, except you guys of course, and i never get to see her outside of school cause we sit together all the time and stuff but never make plans, and she said she would come tomorrow," he says excitedly, staying stood up as he shifts continuously from one foot to the other. "she literally never goes to parties either."

"that's nice," callahan smiles genuinely.

punz, now with the box of alcohol out in front of him, waits to be sure that dream has finished talking before he says, "these are the drinks i got."

he pushes the box further into the room for dream to see too, not bothering to push it towards callahan since he'd been there when they bought most of it.

"we should buy some cheap beers for the people that we don't like," sapnap suggested, "since most of this is like actually good stuff."

"why have you invited people that you don't like?" callahan questions, clearly confused.

"we haven't but it's open invite so there's bound to be a few," sapnap shrugs, receiving an understanding nod from the brunette.

"we're going to have to block off the top floor," callahan suggests. punz hums in response to his cousin, as if to ask why, and callahan looks over to explain, "imagine someone has sex in your mom's bed."

"they could use your sleeping bag as a cum sock," sapnap jokes, deflecting an empty water bottle as the brunette playfully throws it at him.

the door pushes open to reveal alyssa carrying snacks, shaking her head at the laughing boys after clearly hearing their conversation. she sits down on the floor with calla, passing him half of the food she'd retrieved.

"lys, sap says we should buy some cheap beer," punz tells his sister as he puts the lid back on the drinks box and slides it back under their bed. "so we can give them to anyone that we don't particularly like all that much."

alyssa nods in response, opening a packet of chips. "sounds good to me," she agrees, "we can go to that shop on the corner, since calla always passes for twenty-one."

sorry for the short context chapter, they'll get longer :P

let me know if you have any more theories cause they're super fun to read

love you reader !


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