Chapter 1

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My trip to Japan isn't exactly how I hoped it would be, my dream has always been to live here, but I have not found that special place for me to stay, and my travel stopped me in Hanamura and Kanezaka. I won't lie, it's peaceful and the people are pleasant, however, the Hashimoto clan is everywhere, leaving my parents to worry when they found out.
The house I bought was out of a dream, it was not that big, but it was comfortable and I could see myself next to the window, reading a book, as I drink hot cocoa. This might not be what I wanted, but just being here is a dream come true.

"Dad please, I'll be fine, Kanezaka is not as bad as people say. I'll keep myself out of trouble. Bye." I giggled when the call ended, finding it funny how I'm still his little princess, he worries too much.

I sighed softly when I stepped into the Tetsuzan Shrine, the home of the fox spirit, it's a shame I haven't brought an offering, perhaps I would be more welcomed. Unfortunately, wherever I go in Japan that channels energy my magic isn't greeted with warmth, and the clouds hide the once bright shrines and temples. Once it starts to rain, I give up and make my way to the nearest shelter, a tear falling down my cheek at the disappointment I felt at not being accepted. It means I cannot come back to this temple.

I jumped on my spot when a girl close to my age appeared next to me, probably a caretaker of the shrine, I didn't give it much thought when we smiled at each other a little. We would stay here, waiting for the rain to stop, nothing more... But this girl emanates life and positive energy, I wondered how someone can feel like this. "Sooo...!" The girl in white and red robes spoke, making my eyes glance at her form. "Pretty sudden how this rain just materialized, huh? The day was so sunny."

"Yes, it is weird... But all sorts of strange things happen where magic resides." I said, paying more attention to the rain than to the girl, which she took as an opportunity to take a step closer. She chuckled. "I agree, I'm Kiriko." A nice name for a cute and extroverted girl, I guess. "I don't think I've seen you around town, are you new?"

"(Y/N). I moved yesterday and was hoping to explore Kanezaka further." Kiriko smiled and extended her arm toward me, waiting for me to take it. I was dumbfounded. "Oh, well, we're not letting water stop you, right?" I can't believe what is happening right now, this Kiriko girl is strangely comfortable with being with strangers. "With all due respect, Kiriko. I don't know you and--" I squeaked when the rain began falling harder, to the point of making us cower back into the small shelter. "I think anything is better than being trapped here." Kiriko said and I sighed softly, taking her hand and teleporting somewhere else with a roof, I think I'm inside the temple of Kanezaka.

"You are... The shrine's current caretaker, right?" I asked with curiosity and she nodded cheerfully, giving me a sheet to keep my body warm. "I know I know, I'm too young to be a caretaker, but... It has belonged to my family for generations. Both grandma and the fox spirit entrusted it to me, and with it Kanezaka and its people."

"You are like a guardian angel."

"You could say that." Kiriko sat in front of me with two cups of tea, which I took gladly, carefully smelling the liquid to be sure nothing is wrong, I drank a little and felt harmoniously relaxed. There is nothing like good tea. The silence was broken minutes later by Kiriko. "Nobody comes to the shrine at these hours."

"Guess I'm a strange case." She smiled at my attempt to make a joke. "I've traveled all over Japan to find a place to live, I found it here, thankfully. My parents worry that this Hashimoto clan will harm me."

"As long as you don't get in their way, they won't hurt you. And if you need help, you can look for me." A caretaker fighting against a criminal organization? I was about to say something very negative about it, but I shut my lips and remembered not to judge a book by its cover. After all, the spirit protects her, even from me. "Kiriko."


"Why are you... So nice to me? We just met." She scratched her head. "Why not? You seem sweet, and besides, I didn't want to leave you crying alone under that shelter." I flushed in embarrassment. I can't believe she noticed that. "Look, the rain has subsided." I turned to the door and saw the rain stop, but there were still dark clouds in the sky, I felt Kiriko take my hand and I stared at her with widened eyes. "Iki-mashō!" Before I could say anything, we ran out of the temple. "W-Where are we going??"

"I'm showing you Kanezaka in its splendor!"

And she was right, Kanezaka is truly an amazing town, and anything you can find and want is here. Kiriko showed me the modern establishments and left the traditional to last, she knew I would be amazed by it all either way. I fell in love with this place in less than a day, and now I know I want to stay. By night, Kiriko went to this shop and came out with three boxes full of doughnuts, which she insisted I grab as many as I wanted, in the end, I only took two. "Thank you for today, Kiriko. I'm sorry I was rude to you..."

"Rude? No, not at all. My plan worked and I made you smile." I couldn't help but flush deeply at her reply, I decided to swallow it down. "It's getting late, I better get back home." I said, taking a bite from the sweet in my hand. "You want me to go with you?" I shook my head and she almost look saddened by it. "Go enjoy your doughnuts in peace, foxy." I kissed her cheek softly and waved at her as I walked away. Kiriko had touched the side I kissed with tenderness, and I noticed the clouds vanishing, letting me grace myself with the presence of the moon.

The fox spirit accepted me in this town.

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