Chapter 2

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Tending to laundry one fine morning, I noticed the people in the town making their way to the nearby city, it was pretty easy to tell when there was some kind of celebration around, and I did go to some of them, but as always, I prefer the comfort of my house. I hated apartments here, so I'm thankful that Kanezaka was my last stop, a house that could overview the whole city and Hanamura, near the magic forests of the spirit fox, tranquil and silent.

Speaking of the fox, apart from realizing that I didn't get intimidating threats from the spirit since the day I came, I haven't seen Kiriko either, just to think I was so rude to her... I know I apologized already and I blame my sense of wanting to stay away from humans. I heard that for the past few days there were no signs of the Hashimoto Clan, however, I remained cautious and my neighbors did as well. I just hope Kiriko is alright, just thinking that she got hurt or worse makes my heart ache weirdly.

It's stupid, right? I was with her for one day, I don't know about her life except that she's the caretaker of the shrine, and I... I want to--

My cat meows, waking me from my trance and letting the shirt fall to the ground, thank god I cleaned earlier. I gave my floofball his favorite food and went to take a bath, needing some relaxation time.

I sighed in pleasure when I sat in the bathtub, closed my eyes, and let my mind wander, but it wasn't long before I heard something falling to the floor, and I turned to the door immediately, only to be surprised by a familiar figure holding my cat, and a broken vase. "Kiriko?" I called, and she turned to me only for a second before looking away in embarrassment. "Hey (Y/N), uhm-- Didn't know you were taking a bath! Perhaps I should come later!"

"Nonsense, come and keep me company. It's been a while since I've seen you." My cat struggles to break from Kiriko's grasp, once he does he steps to his bed without shame for what he did. "Sorry for the vase, tried to keep him from breaking it." The ninja uses her magic on the object, and it went back to its rightful place like nothing happened in the first place. "Don't worry, it's not the first time." I smiled softly as she pulled a chair to the bathroom and sat. "How do you know where I live?"

Kiriko scratched her head, and I stared at a fox headband she didn't have when I met her. "I've seen you coming this way once, figured this house was yours. I was just too busy to come."

"I see, and that headband? Looks cute." I questioned, Kiriko touched it with adoration. "A gift, got it the same day we met. A lot happened since then." That got my attention, and not in a good way.
After putting on some clothes and preparing tea, I sat with Kiriko on the couch, feeling her aura, she was probably a bit tired but remained strong and capable, her cheerful attitude never dissipated. "The Hashimoto came to the apartments. Mom was there, also a man and his grandchild, people I've known for a while and whom I care about a lot. If I weren't there they wouldn't... They wouldn't have survived." I furrowed my eyebrows in concern, leaving the cup on the table before glancing at Kiriko. "But you were, weren't you? Kiriko, sometimes you have to stop thinking of the 'what ifs', that family is safe and I'm sure your mom is just as badass as you, imagining that she grew up like you of course."

Kiriko chuckled, my poor heart fluttered and I almost stopped breathing. "Yeah, she keeps reminding me of her sword every time she visits. She's amazing..." She paused for a moment, staring at her reflection in the tea. "You're right, they are safe. But now that I'll leave and go back to living with mom, I hope they'll stay like that: With no danger."

"Hashimoto hasn't been giving issues to anyone in days, you did this!" I exclaimed and the ninja looked at me, her eyes shining with a hue of blue in her beautiful brown eyes. "There's a man not far from here that I found crying outside his house, but he was happy, he said he hadn't seen his grandmother laugh since Hashimoto got control. Now the family is wishing for a brighter future, and it's all thanks to you. You can make a difference, Kiriko."

Her stare at me was intense, probably more so than a feline, her magic was intensifying and it made me feel like... In some kind of euphoria. Finally, she turned her eyes away, but the blue remained. "You really think so? Because to be honest, I have a plan to help Kanezaka and have people too, but I wanted to make sure you would be okay."

That took me by surprise, but I nodded rapidly. "I'm friends with a rebellious gang member, that's awesome. Just to be clear, this is not going to be your group's station." She laughed and I followed soon after, I think we bothered my pet, who stretched and walked to my room for some peace. "I'm not going to do that, promise. I do have to come often, I like your house, it's cozy."

"I'm glad it wasn't expensive, and I get to live in a calm environment, it's the best place." There was a small moment of silence, it wasn't awkward, I let Kiriko look all over the living room. I suddenly got nervous and my hands were sweaty, I'll have to brew an elixir later. "Is this your family?" I raised my head and watched her pick up a photo of me, my parents, and my grandparents. "Yes, dad is so worried about me that he calls day after day to make sure I'm alright. My cousins wanted to come, but grandpa didn't let them, grandma made sure that I would bring everything I need for the journey." I stood and took the photo from her gently, smiling at the memories.

"What about your mother?" Asked Kiriko, and I pursed my lips.

"I don't speak to her... She... Didn't accept who I am." I saw Kiriko lean her head to the side slightly, stepping closer to me with confusion written on her face. "I uh... I happen to like both men and women, she didn't take well to that."

"Oh." Her ears flushed after loading the information in her head, and I grew worried, almost angered that she was, probably, going to do the same as mom did to me. "Is that a problem?" I asked a lot harsher than I intended. "No! I just didn't expect that, I mean, parents have to love their children however they are, so I don't understand why she has a problem." I calmed down and my magic did too, I didn't want to lose control like this. Not in front of her. "Dad is trying to change her mind or at least help her express her fears... He isn't succeeding, unfortunately."

I placed the frame on the wall and stared at it for a long time, my eyes brimmed with tears. I wondered if she would have taken in better the fact that I'm a witch, just like grandma and great grandma, but that would've been kind of illogical, both things in her mind are wrong. "(Y/N)?" I jumped in place and looked at Kiriko, the cheery fox flashed me a smile and placed a hand on my shoulder. We embraced and I hid my face on her shoulder, the acceptance is nice, and I'm grateful that she's here.

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