Chapter 6

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It was but mere hours later that the police arrived along with news reporters from all over Japan, Asa hadn't gotten a good night's rest cause of all the mess, and the worst thing is, we couldn't prove it was the Hashimoto Clan, everyone knew it was them but who would want to suffer their wrath?

Kiriko and I stayed in the shrine as her mother did her best not to let anyone pass the torii to our position, and I helped the fox to reconstruct the damage to the temple, and lastly the flora. It practically looked as if nothing had happened, but I could feel the internal turmoil Kiriko was feeling, she was angry and with reason, but so much resentment ended up in the fox spirit pressuring her to stop and meditate. I didn't say a word as I concentrated on my magic, letting the silence feel more peaceful than it was before. I heard Kiriko give out a soft sigh, and felt her eyes on me. "(Y/N)... What happened last night, it was..."

"What happened last night? I mean, apart from this of course..." I didn't dare place my eyes on her or I would crumble, I told myself she had to bring it up at some point if it wasn't me, and thankfully, she did... Well, I would've preferred it if she hadn't said anything. "You don't remember...? I mean--" My hands were getting sweaty as she took her sweet time to say something, making the situation even more uncomfortable. "Nothing. Nothing happened..."

Holy mother of nature, thank you!

Kiriko went back to meditate as the spirit glanced at us from time to time, pursing my lips in annoyance the more I sensed it staring at me longer than her owner and friend, I opened an eye and looked at it with the same intensity that nearly made me forget to control my magic. "Kiriko, why don't you go rest? I can cover for you." I spoke and looked at her as she shook her head. "I can't, grandma left me this shrine. It wouldn't be fair if I left you all the work."

"I know the spirit grants you many things and I'm grateful for it, nonetheless, please let me take charge." She was still meditating, yet I knew she was paying attention to what I was saying, she always gave her sole concentration to me, and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. "You look exhausted." Kiriko turned her head to me. "You don't look exactly fresh either." That made me chuckle a bit, a sound she once said she liked to hear. My cheeks grew hot but I immediately shook away the thought, not wanting to regret my choice of burying these feelings, last night's moment was just... A small slip. It's for the best.

Footsteps approached from behind and we looked back to find Asa stepping into the shrine, her expression screamed sadness but also gratefulness to see the temple in one piece, thanks to us in part. "The police are investigating the surroundings for clues..." She paused, sighing gently. "We know it was Hashimoto, yet there's nothing we can do. This is eating me alive, they said they wouldn't get any closer when they took him..." I raised an eyebrow and Kiriko dashed toward her mother to hug her. Something or someone whispered into my ear incoherent words, I waved them off and stood up to stare at the plants I had created, and left a rune of protection hidden from the naked eye. I can't believe the Clan has someone from Kiriko's family captive, I wasn't really surprised by the info, her family is well-known for forging swords in Kanezaka.

Kiriko and Asa meet my eyes when I walked toward them, her mother smiled at me and resumed her way inside the shrine, probably to see if her mother's grave is intact. "I'm so mad, what they did is unforgivable. I have to do something." Muttered Kiriko, not wanting her mother to hear. "You have the Yōkai, and you are already doing as much as you can."

"But the more I do the less it seems to help this city!" She shouted, and her expression turned to one of apologetic. "I'm sorry. This was the last straw and I believe my mother thinks the same, but she can't do anything..."

There were a few moments of silence that I wished I could have stopped by saying something, but I couldn't find the words. Then, Kiriko showed me her blades, carefully placing them on my hands. "My father made them... He was waiting for me to grow up and give them to me himself, but Hashimoto took him after the Shimada's rule ended. I haven't seen him for eight years." Kiriko grabbed and put the blades away.

I tightened my fists and nearly broke the skin with my nails. "Kiriko, let me go with you."

"W-What?" She half-exclaimed, staring at me with widened eyes. "No, (Y/N), no. I can't do that."

"Why not?" I furrowed my eyebrows, remaining in my decision of helping her with Hashimoto. I'm tired of doing nothing. "I live here too, and I see Kanezaka and Hanamura suffering every day! I'm capable of doing many things!"

"I know you are! I've seen what you can do, but--" She crossed her arms and I shrugged my shoulders when she spoke again. "I don't want you there, not against them. They are dangerous."


Excuse me, what?!

"And they aren't a menace for you? Kiriko, I am not weak. I've been into magic for the same years as you, I can do curses, I can destroy their inner lives if I wish to!" Kiriko looked away as she shut her eyes, her hands shivering slightly. "I don't want you risking your life...!"

I had enough. "It was me. I was the one that made them disappear." I felt every sense in her come to a stop, and she turned her whole body to stare at me in shock. "They came into my house that night. They didn't take anything, they were just looking around for something, but I just... Made them disappear into thin air. So please, let me go with you... I can help..." If only has a thank you for being such a fantastic friend. We took care of each other in our free time, so why not also out there?

"Chikushô..." She whispered in a harsh tone. "Do you know the mess that group disappearing has put the group into? The Clan has been more alert than ever, they think we have them hostage!" I wasn't expecting her to be infuriated, not like this. "How was I supposed to know this would happen!? Do you think a normal human would let housebreakers get away with that?"

"You are not a normal human!"

As soon as Kiriko screamed that, the both of us stayed quiet, she glanced at the ground now and then with a guilty expression, as I stayed in the same place wearing an astonished look, she was looking for words with tears in her eyes. My heart clenched in my chest, it almost felt like it was bleeding. I knew having people around me would be my downfall, I always knew giving them my heart would only give me sorrow.

"You... You are not normal either..." I muttered, cursing myself for sounding so broken, and I ran away from her, not caring how many times she tried to catch up to me, or how she was crying when she called to me from far away.

I didn't care. I stopped caring.

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