Chapter 3

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There was this weird aura in the house, the flowers and plants overall look more alive, my cat begs for more attention and cuddles, and the positivity in here is... Just about irritating. Not the cuddles, gosh no, I love my cat but I cannot live and have a positive mind every day, I need to be realistic and stay focused on my work.

"The group named Yōkai struck again. We've received news the Hashimoto members have been attacked and robbed last night by the vigilantes, leaving painted messages on walls explicitly declaring war."

I turned to look at the TV. It's been like this for a week, Kiriko and her group have been doing well in speaking for Kanezaka, sadly, I heard neighbors saying the clan is going after the people of the city to suffer retribution in Yōkai's place. To slow this occurrence, I placed spells all over the town and prayed to nature to protect us, there's no way a bunch of selfish bastards will destroy my new home. In the back of my head I think of the day Kiriko was here, she's already a close friend of mine and it feels good that someone has my back. She stayed here till late at night, we had so much fun together I wished it never ended, alas that's not how the universe works, and it just wrote me a big 'fuck you'.

I turned off the TV and put on something casual to take a walk, the moon was beautiful tonight, and perhaps the stars would tell me something about my future, somehow it always does. I was afraid of it once, but not anymore. This child was crying because a flower she cared for was withering, without letting her see me I used my magic on the roots and strengthened, in no time more flowers were blossoming from the earth. I chuckled when the girl laughed happily and called her parents, it was my cue to go. Many people were still outside, most of them elderly, the young must be in the city like always. I don't know them very well but they aided me in the first days, so I show gratitude when I encounter them. I find it peaceful the way Kanezaka could live without Hashimoto, but how did the people live with Shimada? My phone vibrated and I didn't want to pick it up, not when I felt serenity.

I was close to the shrine, and if on cue, a blue path guided me there, this gorgeous fox of the same color watched every movement as I stepped to it slowly. The water flows calmly and the leaves dance with the wind, the magic is welcoming me here with a message I couldn't decipher, but if the fox is here it means Kiriko must be too. "Thank you for letting me stay..." I muttered to the fox, the noise it made was equal to a howl but milder. "Can you take me to Kiriko?" The kitsune ran towards the temple, occasionally turning to see if I'm following. "Kiriko, are you here?" I called out, but I didn't get an answer. There was this smell of agony and pain in the air that made my distress grow, as I stepped into the temple a group of young adults surrounded a girl with a wound in her torso, Kiriko was using her magic to heal her, however, she was obviously exhausted.

Her shining blue eyes stopped me from getting closer, I had seen that hue in her before, but not like this, I never saw her using the full extent of her powers.

With a shift motion, a man with a katana charged towards me, halting just as his weapon reached my neck. He was wearing an Oni mask, Kiriko is probably the only one that didn't have anything covering her identity. "Stop!" Kiriko shouted, her brows furrowing as she recognized me. "Don't hurt her! She's-- S-She is the one I spoke about..." As soon as she said that, everyone lowered their defenses significantly. The Oni put back his katana and the fox vanished as I kneeled in front of the wounded girl. "What happened?" I questioned.

"We walked into a trap, the Hashimoto increased their protection. Sakura got the worse of it..." Kiriko muttered worriedly as she stared at her friend. The girl named Sakura was burning up, my senses heard her heart beating faster than it should, reaching for more blood weakly. I sighed and took out various items for potions from my purse, controlled the water from the temple as swiftly as I could, and mixed the ingredients and water in the air as the group watched with widened eyes. For the last touch, I snapped my fingers and fire warmed the elixir. "This probably won't taste very good, but you'll have to drink it." Sakura nodded slowly and Kiriko raised her so she could drink without choking. Once there was no potion left, I waited until her fever went down to start healing the wound, I bit my finger and let the blood pour onto it, the majority of my veins turned golden, and I began singing quiet enchantments to close her injury.

If I didn't give her the potion she would have suffered more, having control of every single element is a virtue, and I thank my grandmother for teaching me the ways of the witches.

After healing Sakura, she immediately fell asleep, and the group soon followed after thanking me many times. Now I stand outside watching the stars, Kiriko sits beside me not long later, looking more fresh now that her friend is safe. "I didn't know you use magic." She said, a small smile crossing her lips.

"I didn't know you spoke about me to your friends." She flushed bashfully at my counterattack, making me chuckle. "Just like you, I have hereditary magic. I'm what people call Gray Witch, we own magic which typically follows an ethic of working for the highest good, but we don't hesitate to use curses. The elemental magic is... An extra, I suppose. Hard work and possibly more than I could have wanted..."

"But it's awesome, and you saved Sakura." I glanced at Kiriko and we smiled at each other, she spoke again. "Thank you, (Y/N). You just came into my life like a box full of surprises, and with magic or not, I knew you would help." I wondered if she was waiting for me to come around the shrine at this hour of the night, it would explain the fox waiting for me near the torii. "I'm not the only one with surprises." It's true, her determination and cheerful aura keep impressing me the more time I spend with her. My heartbeat increased when our fingers touched, but... I decided to ignore it when she didn't look uncomfortable. We giggled together and chatted until the air got chillier, the fox spirit emerged from nothingness and laid between Kiriko and me, presumably to ask for attention, just like my cat.

"I should go, I hope your friend gets better. Don't feel shy to come around my house some other time." Kiriko nodded and gave me back my purse, the both of us stood and I waved as I left the shrine. "Jaa ne..." She muttered softly as I stepped down the stairs of the shrine carefully.

As soon as I left, there was this feeling inside my chest I couldn't shake away, and I think I felt the same sentiment coming from Kiriko...

I sighed heavily, the cold making the situation worse.

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