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dead man's chest

Frances was sat in a chair, gently fiddling with the black lace on her skirt. Her head was lowered, reading her brother's latest letter home.

My dear sister,

I am deeply sorry to hear the news of Father. I do not know when I expect to be home. The Commodore won't let up on his search for The Black Pearl. We are headed to Africa next, but I will find my way home before then. I don't want you to be so alone in the house for such a long time. If I am to be honest, the Commodore is going nearly mad with his search. The Dauntless can only take so much, we've been across the world. I will see you soon, Frankie.

With love,

Your Brother Theodore

Frances wiped a tear from her cheek. Theodore wouldn't be home in time for their father's funeral. He was right, being alone in such a large house was taking a toll on her. In most cases, she would go to Elizabeth for help and company. But she was near to having her wedding, and for Frances to throw her own problems onto Elizabeth would be rude.

A month later was Elizabeth and Will's wedding. But clearly the universe had different plans for the couple.

Frances hadn't been seen by the public in the two months since her father's death, even once her brother arrived home. He brought the news of James Norrington's dismissal from the King's Navy with him. Frances was beyond glad that Theodore had gotten off the ship when he did, as Norrington's entire crew had died in a Hurricane off the coast of Libya.

Frances was planning on making her return to real life at the wedding. Once she saw the ships flying the East India Trading Company flag pull into the port, she ran for Elizabeth. Frances hardly noticed the rain soaking through her dress and the mud covering her boots. All she could think of was her friend. She knew that if so many soldiers arrived at once, something was wrong. And considering Elizabeth's and Will's involvement with a certain pirate the year prior, she could only assume that they were in danger.

She arrived at the scene just after Governor Swann. Will was in handcuffs, Elizabeth clinging to him in a protective manner.

"Governor Weatherby Swann," A small man turned to face everyone. "It's been too long."

The Governor didn't notice Frances hovering behind him, but Will did. He tried to silently get her to leave, nodding his head ever so slightly, but she lifted her chin up and pushed through to reach Elizabeth. She grabbed her friends hand.

Elizabeth was surprised to see Frances, who had been ignoring her letters and denying her house calls for months.

"Cutler Beckett?" Governor Swann asked in disbelief.

"It's Lord now, actually," He smirked.

"Lord or not, you have no reason and no authority to arrest this man."

"In fact, I do. Mr. Mercer," Beckett called to another man, who presented a warrant for arrest to the Governor.

"This warrant is for Elizabeth Swann." He said, glancing at his daughter.

"Is it? That's annoying. My mistake. Arrest her."

The soldier tore Elizabeth from Frances's grasp. "On what charges?" Both girls exclaimed.

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