Meesha's surprise!

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"Dadda! Come quick! I have something really exciting to tell you." Shourya had just gotten home from work and entered his room with Meera trying to hold Meesha in place as she bubbled with excitement. The angry expression on Vihaan's face told them that something had gone wrong. Meera kissed Shourya's cheek as he sat down before whispering, "good luck with this one." 

Shourya scrunched his eyebrows before collecting his precious princess in his arms. "What does my angel want to tell me?" 

Vihaan grumbles and plops himself on his mother's lap facing his sister and father. Shourya thought Vihaan was just being a little moody. What he didn't know was that Meesha's little story was going get him grumbling and flopping on the bed too. 

"Dadda! I have a boyfriend!" 

"A- A WHAT?!"

"Boyfriend, dadda. Don't ask silly questions. And his name is Nishaant."

Shourya's face went from calm and collected to frantic and scared in a matter of seconds. Seeing this Meera couldn't help herself from laughing out loud before biting her lip to control herself. 

"B-baby, you mean a friend that's a boy. Hehe. Not that you should have friends that are boys anyway. But still. . . ahem, if you do then they are friends, not boyfriends. Ahem. . .Okay, my aacha baacha? You don't have a boyfriend."

Shourya tried his best to explain to her and himself that there was no boyfriend situation, but his daughter was just as determined to tell him that she in fact did have a boyfriend. Meera watched her husband laugh nervously as Meesha rushed to her bag and pull out a card and a small box and rushed back.

"Look dadda! He gave me a card." Shourya took hold of it and stared at the word 'love' with the 'e' written the wrong way around inside a big red heart with a drawing he couldn't really make out.

"See dadda, it says love! And that's me and that's him and he's giving me a ring. Like you gave to mumma. I saw the pictures of you egn-egnage-ment." Meesha pointed to the pictures before pulling out the box, "and here is my ring. It's a little big right now, but when I grow older it'll fit."

Shourya's eyes widened at the sight of the gold band with the huge rectangular diamond. He gently took it from her before smiling her way and looking at Meera. She laughed and told the kids to go pick out their pyjamas for the night. Once the kids were off, Meera found her husband's face buried in her lap as he grumbled.

"She does NOT have a stupid boyfriend!"

Meera giggled before massaging his head, "I called Nishaant's mother and let her know about the ring. We've organised a time before school to meet up and return it. I'm thinking of showing her the card too, it is cute."

"A boyfriend! God! Seriously?"

"Are you even listening to me?"
"Well, it's definitely not going to be this little guy!"
"He stole his mother's ring, he's a thief!"

"He's a child."
"And already has bad habits, cannot be near my daughter!"
"Shourya, you're being ridiculous."
"He dared to ask MY daughter to be his girlfriend."
"My daughter."

So I thought I'd write a little scene of the family. I was going to add it to Vishwaas, but it just didn't fit into the chapter. So here it is!

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