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third person pov;

THEY were just walking by the road, hands intertwined together, laugh together, and joke around how their warden will finds out if they got caught.

until, anggun finds a cat cafe that was just right beside the road. anggun persuade naim so that they can go to the cat cafe.

naim agreed and they went inside the cafe together. they took a lot of pictures together and finally ordered a drink.

once in a life, they never feel this happy before. they feel safe, happy and comfortable with each other.

naim admired her from afar, watching her being happy is the first thing he wanna see. its basically.. she fell first and he fell harder. anggun also caught that naim sometimes steal glances on her, which she finds it cute.

few minutes have already passed and they went out and feeling like watching a movie. they went inside, hand in hand and picked what movie they want to watch.



"cerita hantu jom?"

and then, naim looked at her and nodded which means he agreed. they bought the tickets and went it to find their seat.

the movie has started and they began to watch. anggun placed her head on his shoulder and naim couldn't help but smile at her action.


THEY are currently sitting at a random bench, anggun's head on his shoulder, with their fingers intertwined.

it went quiet for a while, not an awkward silence, but a very comfortable silence. anggun suddenly take out the her phone and earphone.

she placed her earphone on her ear and naim's ear.

"kau buat apa ni?"


then, a random song popped out. naim studied the lyrics of the song.

🎶 know it seems so quick and easy 🎶

🎶 sentimentally assumed 🎶

🎶 walking parallels 🎶

🎶 heart to heart 🎶

🎶 to all the days we were together 🎶

🎶 to all the time we played a part🎶

🎶 in each other's lives.. 🎶

🎶 heart to heart 🎶

naim finally gets the lyrics and patted her head with his left hand.

"aku sayang kau tau, ratna."

"aku sayang kau juga, renjana."


THE night has ended and naim walked anggun to her asrama. they talk and talk and didn't realise that it is 11.

when they arrived by the fence, anggun said "goodbye" and "thankyou" to naim and walked inside.

but before she went inside, she quickly turned around and tiptoed to hug him. her hands are around his neck. naim hugged her back by pulled her closer by her waist and placed his head on her head.

anggun pulled away from the hug and continue

"jaga diri tau anggun."

"kau pun jaga diri, jangan gaduh je memanjang."

"iya, anggun."

anggun waved him for the last time before going in.

when anggun has entered her asrama, he whispered to himself.

"aku bersyukur ada kau, ratna."


i would like to apologize if ada grammar yang salah or anything,, trying to be a better writter tho!!

heart to heart | nor naimWhere stories live. Discover now