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AFTER minutes of smiling to themselves, teasing each other, the assembly has ended. both anggun and naim exits the hall and suddenly, someone pulled anggun away from the crowd.

"eh eh" yelped anggun.

then, anggun looked at the person who pulled her away and it was naim. her naim.


THEY both sat at a random place beside the school's library. luckily, that place got chairs and table to sit.

anggun looked at naim, who is blowing his cigarette smoke.

"naim, um aku nak tanya boleh?"

"tanya la" replied him.

"lebam dekat muka kau tu.. kenapa eh?" asked anggun that now pointing at his mouth, that now, full of bruises.

"kau gaduh lagi ke naim?"

"taklah, ni dah lama dah pun."

anggun sighed, and continue

"kau dah janji en, yang kau takkan gaduh lagi?"

"ye tapi, kalini menang aku kene fight, anggun. lagipun dia dah kena tangkap dah."

"dia? woah woah jap. who? context please? one by one."

naim told the who story to her, about what happened between the form 2 boy and ariz. anggun got confused at first but then, she finally understood.

anggun nodded and looked at her watch on her wrist, it says 10.09 am.

"shit, program tu mula lagi seminit."

"ha? serious lah??"

"yeee, dah jom jom"

anggun and naim ran from the place while laughing at each other, racing with each other. it was nice having each other to spend time with. enjoy it while we can.


THE programme for day one has ended at 15.00 pm. the students said goodbye and thankyou to the kudrat students while naim and anggun...

"leklok eh kau anggun"

"yee, lek la esok jumpa lagi" said anggun.

they both smiled to each other and anggun turned to see that their bus has arrived. anggun waved to naim and get on the bus.

she looked through the window and saw naim hold his phone as a signal for anggun.

she checked her phone and open her whatsapp.

naim 🫀
today, 15.11pm.

semangat ya anggun

dont give up

aku di belakang kau


take care anggunnn <3333

ANGGUN smiled so hard till her classmate, mutiara noticed.

"woi kau asal ni kak?"

"eh takde pape"

"ohhh ni mesti pasal naim kau en"

"hah? mana kau tau ni?"

"i mean, its so obvious la anggun.. perhimpunan tadi, ramai nampak kau dengan naim. and plus, the whole batch knows--"

"baik semua murid, pastikan tiada barang yang tertinggal ye. cikgu taknak patah balik dah." cuts the teacher on the bus.


im so so sorry this is just a short chapter, im running out of ideas 😭🙏🏽

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