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THE last day of their school programme started few hours ago, naim were on his duty as a prefect while anggun, she spent hours by focusing what the emcee said and explain.

minutes before the closing ceremony, naim and the other prefects who were involve in the programme entered the hall. all eyes were on them, especially anggun's schoolmates.

they were looking between naim and anggun as they know what kind of relationship naim and anggun have.

anggun ignored those eyes that were staring at her. naim took a seat infront of anggun which means that his back will face anggun.

but then, there's a random girl from her school sit beside him. it seems like the girl introduced herself with naim, but anggun have no problem with that.

few minutes later, anggun got distracted by the sound of laughter. she looked infront of her and saw that naim and her schoolmate were laughing at something.

anggun couldn't stop looking at them, but she realised that it will ruin her mental health so she distract herself from thinking about it.


NAIM'S eyes glued on anggun, who is lining up near the vending machine to get her drink. he kept asking to himself why did she suddenly stop talking to him? is it about their relationship? or is it about him and isya?

anggun bought her drink and saw that naim was waiting for her. she walked towards him and asked "kau buat apa kat sini?" while tilting her head.

"aku just nak tau je--"

his sentence was cut by the students who "piwitt" and "cieeee".

she rolled her eyes then grabbed naim's hand and brought him to a place where there is no people there.

"ha sambung"

naim hestitate for a while and continue

"aku just nak tau je, kenapa kalau palau aku tadi? is it about what the students said? is it about me and isya?"

"isya? siapa isya?"

"that girl from your school yang cakap dengan saya tadi"


she went quiet and did not make any eye contact with him.

but then, naim understood and nodded. he then hold her chin and lift it up so that she can face him. he looked into her eyes and it felt like he was completely hypnotized by her eyes.

then, naim pulled her into a hug which anggun hugged back. she placed her chin on his shoulder.

"anggun, aku takkan jatuh cinta dengan orang lain selain kau okay? even kalau kau pergi dulu pun, aku tetap tunggu. tapi aku janji, aku akan jaga kau elok ekok. i won't let anyone hurt you, again."

anggun didn't say anything but she just stayed at his arm like that for a while. she felt safe. she didn't want to let go from his arm but she had to.

they stayed there for a while while drinking, talking, smiling at each other, comparing the size of their hand and teasing each other.


THEIR bus has arrived, anggun and naim kept glancing at each other before she hops in her bus.

she saw that her schoolmates is getting on her bus. she quickly ran to naim who is behind a pole. naim ruffled her hair and said "jaga diri, ratna."

anggun gives him the sweetest smile and enter the bus.


the amount of grammar errors in this chapter..

heart to heart | nor naimWhere stories live. Discover now