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"SEDAP tak?" naim asked anggun who was eating the ice cream malaysia he bought.

anggun nodded and continue to eat her ice cream while looking at the view.

"cantik view harini."

"cantik, cantik sangat." replied naim and steal a glance to anggun.

"um anggun."


"kau janji dengan aku tau, yang kau takkan tinggalkan aku."

"ye, naim. aku takkan tinggalkan kau. kalau aku tinggalkan kau, siapa nak teman kau nanti?"

anggun looked at naim and continued

"haa ke kau ada perempuan lainn??"

then, naim suddenly leaned down to match her height. his face is right infront of her face.

"aku? perempuan lain? takdenye anggun, kau jela perempuan yang aku cinta. nobody else."

anggun tried so hard to not smile, which causes her face to be red.

"pandai ek kau sekarang"

naim smiled to himself and looked at anggun.

"anggun, apa favourite lagu kau?"

"umm bunga, dari delorians. asal?"

"taklah, aku tanya je"

"weh, kaki aku lengun ah. duduk jom"



NAIM looked at anggun who was eating her nasi goreng at the mamak they went to. i mean, how can she sit there, looking so beautiful? he admires her until she noticed that naim were looking at her.

"kau usya apa?" anggun asked and looked at him, giving him that innocent, confused face.

naim shooked his head, smiling but his thought were still on her. he cant forget the night they spent together, holding hands for the first time, finding their comforts in each other.

he didn't expect that he would love anggun this much. without her knowing, naim also made a spotify playlist, just for her.

oh he's so inlove.

heart to heart | nor naimWhere stories live. Discover now