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NAIM looked at the pictures he took yesterday. there's a picture of them, and anggun. his anggun. he couldn't stop smiling or thinking about her.

the way she smile, laugh, talk, made him realised that he had fallen for her harder.

naim took his phone and open his phone then press anggun's contact.

ratna ku 💌
today, 08.09am.

selamat pagi anggunn <3


kau dh makan ke?

belum :(

eh asal?

kau gi makan sekarang

bukan apa au

aku terbangun lambat tadi

kau tidur pukul berapa semalam?

pukul 1

asal lambat sangat?

takle tidur la

sorry :((

hey no dont be sorry

kau tak buat apa apa la

aku just nak kau sihat je

thats all

lepas ni

kau kena jaga makan and tidur kau tau

its good for your own health

aku sayang kau anggun

aku taknak kau jatuh sakit

nanti kau sakit, siapa nak ceria kan aku?

ya, naim

aku takkan buat centu dah


pastikan jaga makan and tido eh kau

baikk :))

WITHOUT realizing, anggun's eyes started to become blurry, maybe because of her tears. she blinked her eyes so that the tears can fell. she wiped her tears away right away.

no words can express how much anggun loves naim. she finally know the feeling of being loved. before this, she never get to experience of being loved by someone. even her parents, what her parents only know is, work.

her parents never asked her about her day, her school or anything. they never get to spend time together with her. even anggun is the one to suggest herself being in asrama.

she placed back her phone at the table and continued to sleep again, since its sunday.


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