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it has been a week since (y/n) and anya were held at the laboratory. everything went well, however new cloths had yet to be bought. since the cloths at the lab were getting unfitting.

a knock on (y/n)'s room door.

she stood up from the ground that was being floor heated, on which she was playing with anya.

(y/n) opened the door and saw the driver that drove you a week ago.

"miss, the boss wanted me to bring you to buy new cloths for you."
this was worrying now.

"but what about anya?"

"the boss took care of that. a nanny will be arriving soon."
hesitant she told him then to wait at the car and that she will be ready.


the nanny arrived few minutes later and (y/n) made her way outside, a guard opening the heavy security door for her.

"thank you."
the choffeur opened the car door and so (y/n) sat and the road downtown started.

it was quite the long ride, it was something (y/n) noticed beforehand.

"aren't we driving a while now?"

"don't worry, it's not that far anymore. the boss wanted that you have high quality clothings."

"ah, alright."
she leaned back and closed her eyes, the silence relaxing her nerves. the silence was yet broken by the cars that drove past the black engine that (y/n) was sitting in.

anya's well being did concern the young girl, but thinking that the nanny is more experienced in taking care of kids reliefed her a little bit.


stopping infront of a shop of a well known tailor named
mona & monacca, (y/n) and the choffeur got out of the car and inside the store, were the shop owner was waiting for new costumers. a lady in her late 40's, dark blonde hair with a headband holding it back down, dark yellow eyes, a light blue cardigan, under it a white shirt and at last a loose pencil skirt.

"welcome, come in. anything i can do for you?"
before (y/n) could speak, the driver already talked in her stead.

"just need some fitting daily cloths tailored for this young lady. please take your time."

"of course. follow me dear."
behind the work place, the lady took measurements and showed (y/n) some examples of fashion magazines.

"we should start with..."
and so the seamstress showed some suggestions.

later after (y/n) choose her preferred clothing style, she got back into the main room and sat on a bank.

the lady talked to the choffeur.

"it should all be done by 2 to 3 days. just need them to be refitted."

"thank you miss."
back in the car, the choffeur turned to you.

"are you hungry? there is a small café near a toy store."

"uh, sure i guess."

the car started and drove off.

the toy store the driver talked about seemed to have toys for children that was fit for anya. you knew that your age of getting toys was already past so you thought 'why not get new things for anya.'

anyway, the café was cute and actually quite big. many portraits of famous artists hang on the walls, the furniture in a vintage style.

a waiter stood at the door, ready to attend for the new costumers.

"welcome to our café, new here?"
you answered before the driver could.

"yes, actually could you please help us out?"

"of course, after me please."


sitting at the table with the choffeur, having convinced him to also get something, you stared outside.

a light cough brought you back from your daydreaming of anya as you looked at him.

"so, I suppose I didn't introduce myself yet, haven't I?"
you shook your head side to side.

"my name is lawrence christmas, I was highly asked to look after you and your sister. but i am also a agent, agent hourglass."
now this took you offguard.

"you're a-!"
you almost said loudly if lawrence hadn't covered your mouth with his large elderly hand.

"not so loud!"
he scolded and sat back into his seat a she had stood up prior.

you said, while looking around.

"what does hourglass stand for?"
you were curious, despite living in ostania, you were never on that side.

the spy's from westalis had peeked your interest more.

"just a name that i picked years ago, automaticaly sticked to it. now, did you wonder why i, a driver, tell you a citizen of ostania that i am a top secret spy?"
you only nod your head.

"it's because i see potential in you. as i am saying this, of course you have the right to decline, just with the condition that you won't tell anyone about this concersation. do you understand?"

you nodded.

"the situation is going like this, this mission i am on is top secret, not even any other agent knows about this, well only the former boss of the organisation. unfortunatly he passed away from a assassination from a enemy organisation so i asked by him personally to go after this."

"so he new that anya will be taken in by this laboratory even with me?"

"well you weren't planned in. i could take you in as my successor in my training. only if you agree, after this you could be free and we could safe your sister..."

you thought about this. if you accept then you could safe not only yourself but also anya from being experimented on. but if you decline, then you will probably be stuck with a guilt the rest of your life.

"okay, fine, i accept. i'll join the westania agents."

"that's a relief then. we will have further conversations once i get you out of the laboratory. then i will be able to teach you the basics and then the rest."

after the interesting concersation, the orders came and both you and the driver-agent dug into the delicious pastries.

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