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3 days flew as fast away as they came.

mr. lawrence had picked up the cloths and brought them up to (y/n)'s room as she was trying them on and danced around.

"they are fitting and comfortable. the lady did a great job. didn't she anya?"

the baby laughed at her sisters twirling and tried to sit up but didn't work at first.

(y/n) walked over to anya to help her sit up.

"...and there we go!"

both sisters clapped their hands as a sign of victory and then the older sister tickled the younger.

then someone from the laboratory came in after knocking, and told
(y/n) that she could move around the laboratory freely, but away from experiments.

(y/n) immediatly picked up anya and put her in a blanket burrito as she walked out and looked with anya at every corner that she hadn't seen yet.

that was until they walked passed a sign that said 'animal testing project apple'.

"animal testing? let's see what it does shall we?"

once (y/n) was inside the experimental area, her eyes fell on cages filled with animals.

"oh no! are you okay?"

(y/n) said to the animals, then a light bark came from one of the cages.

she walked there and the animal, which was in there backed a little out of fright.

"hey, don't worry, we're friends. i won't hurt you."

the dog came a little closer and tried to sniff on (y/n), so she held her finger towards him/her, unsure of she'll be bitten, but seconds later, the fluffy white dog licked her finger.

"hey that tickles.", she giggled a little and stood up, however footsteps alerted her and she went to hide.

(y/n) motioned with a finger on her lips to the fluffy dog to not give her hideplace out.

once a woman with a laboratory coat walked back out again, (y/n) came out from the locker, that she hid in with a little open space so the already sleeping anya wouldn't saffocate.

"i'll come tomorrow back with snacks for you okay? see ya!"

and so she walked back to her room to lay anya into her warm bed.


one day, it was (y/n)'s birthday. 17 years old now.

she couldn't really have a small party, and lawrence was the only one who knew since she had told him on that day when walked around with anya.

"morning mister christmas!"

"oho, if it isn't (y/n) my dear, how have you been lately?"

"i'm good. busy taking care of anya."

lawrence crouched down on his knees to see anya closer.

"so this is anya. what a ray of sunshine."

this made anya giggle and smile in her sleep, lawrence held his hand out.

"would you let me hold her?"

"i don't mind."

carefully, anya was handed over to the old man, as he carefully rocked the child slowly side to side.

"she is quite beautiful i must say, she would be very smart once she grows up."

"well i hope so, hehe.", (y/n) said, sighing out loud. "it's my birthday today.

"ah, is that so?"


after that, the same evening, the spy came into (y/n)'s room with a cake and sang in his elderly voice a happy birthday song.

"thank you so much mr.lawrence!"

"oh you just call me grandpa, ha ha ha!"

this made her emotional as she went to hug him tightly.


after the interaction with the smart dog, (y/n) would return with dog treats, that she asked agent hourglass to buy, on the cost of wise, every second day.

that went on for a year and a half.

sadly anya's experiment day seemed to get closer.

it was the day (y/n) would again go to the fluff ball, this time with a name for him.

she heard from lawrence that dogs can only understand consonants so she chose wisely.

"morning buddy.", (y/n) crouched down infront of the cage and put the treats through the gaps.

"aren't you a good boy, apple."

the dog tilted it's head and looked confused up at the girl as she giggled at his cuteness.

"yes that's your name from now on. do you like it?"

apple, who was named for now, barked out of joy, making you panic and try to shush him.

"shh, they are going to hear us. look i won't be able to come the next few days, i have to look after anya. after that i probably won't be staying here. don't worry though, i will come save you and anya, and then we will be a happy family. okay buddy?", she whispered carefully.


two days later, (y/n) unwillingly prepared anya for the first examination for the experimentation.

"listen to me anya. today will be tough for you. but no matter what, big sis loves you okay?"

baby anya gurgled at her older sisters crying face and put her small hand on her tear stained cheek.

(y/n) held onto that hand and kissed the inner side of it.

"you have grown so much during the last year. I wouldn't have expected that you know.", (y/n) laughed lightly to herself, knowing anya wouldn't really respond.

a knock came on the door and (y/n) lifted her sister in her arms and she then went to the door.

"we are ready."


so went the days on, anya would be taken into a experiment room while you sat outside on a chair having to listen to her cries. it was hurting her heart, not being able to rush in there and lift her baby sister back into her arms and caress her slightly long hair that had grown over the course of a year.

she had her face in her hands while she was in a mental breakdown when a hand was put on her shoulder.

"don't worry, she is strong. we will save anya and then forget about all of this, I promise."

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