Chapter 3 - Ork Society

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Chapter 3 – Ork Society

Grogak's explanation was interesting, firstly, Grogak was born on this planet, so everything he knows was told to him by other orks, Green Morgue is mostly composed of jungles, but this planet has other biomes, such as deserts, snow-covered mountains, an ocean, although it wasn't big.

The planet was divided by Orks of different clans, Tyranids and Imperials, the Orks and Tyranids arrived first via a Space Hulk that the orks call Gork's Punch. Why the name? The Space Hulk came out of Warp and fell towards the planet like a meteor, as if Gork had punched the planet.

What did Orks and Tyranids do in the same Space Hulk? Well, the orks found the Space Hulk floating in space and wanted to turn it into something mobile, so it could reach other planets and fight their WWAAGGHH!, explaining the different clans. The Tyranids occupied this Space Hulk, which for the orks was not a problem; after all they would get a fight.

During the fight the Space Hulk returned to the Imaterium, the Orks killed enough synaptic creatures for the Tyranids to act like animals, but before they could finish the fight, the Space Hulk entered the material world and fell towards Green Morgue, killing the majority of the WWAAGGHH! And spreading the Tyranids out of control, which have become part of the planet's fauna.

With the WWAAGGHH! finished, the different clans were divided, each with its leader and began to "collaborate" as much as orks without a single Warboss could, fighting the Tyranids, it became a back and forth without a clear winner, the orks don't have technology to leave the planet or wipe out the Tyranids and the Tyranids didn't have a synaptic creature to organize themselves.

Then the Imperium arrived, they have a small presence on this planet, with a Hive City here and there, probably a governor somewhere, apparently they still don't consider the orks and Tyranids as a threat that needs to be destroyed, yet. As long as neither side gains the upper hand, the Imperium is happy to let the Xenos kill each other.

"Thanks for the info, Grogak! But answer me something else. How do I get money here? Without having to pull the teeth out of other orks, I mean." I asked as I drank my fungus beer.

"If ya're an oddboy, ya kould work as a mek or painboy, ya kould also bet on squig rac'n or box'n matches, ya kould also join fights if ya wanted ta, but if ya're jus a boy, ya kould become wun. Hunta." Grogak replied as he kicked a Grot into the kitchen to prepare orders for other orks.

"Hunter? Like the orks that were fighting at the entrance to the city?"

"No, dose are jus gits look'n for any reason ta fight. Huntaz are orks dat kome outta town ta kill nids, Iz not a hunta so i kan't say much but ya kan visit 'da guild at 'da end uv 'da street." Grogak said as he pointed to the right with his thumb.

Looking where he was pointing, I saw a building larger and better built than the others on the street.

"Thanks Grogak, I'll take a look at that place."

"Sure, sure, now finish yer food quickly, yer are tak'n da place uv otha kustomaz." Grogak said as he crossed his arms and then returned to the kitchen.

I finished my food and thanked Grogak once more.

"Okay, now get outta ere!" Grogak replied as he waved his hands, shooing me out of the canteen.

"Wwaahh!" A muffled cry came from inside the crib on my arm.

"Wot was dat?" Grogak asked confused.

"Nothing! Tell me. Do you have milk or something around here?" I asked nervously.

Grogak reached under the counter and pulled out a metal basket with six bottles filled with white liquid.

"Squig milk! It will make yer bones strong! Ya betta have some, if ya become a hunter, da nids will try ta break yours!" Grogak said as he slammed the basket down on the counter.

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