The Intoxicating Rush of Love: Shinji and Kaworu's Passionate Night

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When shinji got home that evening after a long eventful day at nerv he got a long voice message from kaworu saying 'shinji-kun you can't even imagine how happy I am to think you would give me a gift so wonderful please come to my apartment for dinner tomorrow to show my gratitude oh how I love you' shinji listened to the voice message in awe he couldn't believe someone could be so perfect before swiftly typing a quick okay and going to sleep.

As Shinji entered Kaworu's apartment, he was greeted with the soothing melody of "Fly Me to the Moon" playing in the background. Kaworu was sitting by the piano, his fingers dancing gracefully over the keys, as he sang the lyrics with such finesse and elegance that it gave Shinji chills.

"Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars,
Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars."

Shinji sat down on the couch, mesmerized by Kaworu's performance. He couldn't believe that the person he had a crush on had such an incredible talent. Kaworu's voice was like silk, smooth and enchanting, and Shinji found himself getting lost in the music.

"In other words, hold my hand,
In other words, baby, kiss me."

As Kaworu hit the last note, Shinji found himself clapping along with tears in his eyes. He couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions, and he felt grateful that Kaworu had shared such a beautiful moment with him.

"That was amazing, Kaworu," Shinji said, still wiping the tears from his eyes.

Kaworu smiled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Shinji. I've been practicing that song for a while now, hoping to perform it for you someday."

Shinji's heart skipped a beat at those words, and he knew that this was a moment he would cherish forever.

Shinji offers to cook dinner for kaworu as a gesture of gratitude for letting him stay at his apartment. He carefully prepares chicken soup, adding each ingredient with precision and care. Kaworu is mesmerized by Shinji's attention to detail and his graceful movements in the kitchen.

As Shinji works, Kaworu watches him intently, admiring his every move. He is fascinated by how well-organized and efficient Shinji is in the kitchen. As the soup simmers on the stove, Kaworu can't resist stealing a taste, and he finds it delicious.

Eventually, Shinji finishes cooking and takes the pot of soup out of the oven. He invites Kaworu over to the table to enjoy the meal together. As they eat, they chat and laugh, enjoying each other's company.

As the meal comes to an end, Shinji rises from his seat and walks over to Kaworu. He leans in close, their faces just inches apart. Kaworu can feel his heart racing as Shinji whispers in his ear.

"I have something to tell you," Shinji says softly. "I... I think I'm falling in love with you."

Kaworu's heart skips a beat as he hears these words. He looks up into Shinji's eyes, and he can see the sincerity and vulnerability in his gaze. Without a word, he reaches up and pulls Shinji into a gentle, passionate kiss.

Shinji and Kaworu continued to kiss passionately, their lips locked in a deep embrace as they made their way to Kaworu's bedroom. Shinji wrapped his legs around Kaworu's waist, pulling him closer as they stumbled slightly in their rush to get to the bed.

Kaworu's hands roamed over Shinji's body, exploring every inch of him as they stumbled into the bedroom, still entwined in each other's embrace. Their kisses became more urgent, their bodies pressed together as they fell onto the bed in a tangle of limbs.

Finally, they pulled apart, both gasping for breath. Kaworu looked down at Shinji, his eyes filled with a mix of desire and tenderness. He brushed a lock of hair from Shinji's face, his fingertips gentle against his skin.

"I love you," Kaworu whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I love you so much, Shinji."

Shinji's heart swelled with emotion at Kaworu's words, and he leaned up to kiss him again, their bodies entwined once more. The rest of the night was a blur of passion and tenderness, as they explored each other's bodies and shared their love in every way possible.

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