Prelude: A Lucrative Assignment

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     The same blood that stained your gloves had gotten everywhere. You would have tossed them if not for your scruples about leaving evidence behind. Not one strand of your DNA could be found on any of the crime scenes you had caused over the past six years.

You left the poor bastard with the smashed head where he lay, no use in moving him. No matter how powerful a quirk like yours could be, it was always so messy when used for murder.

"Fascinating." said an almost bored voice. "I've heard stories, but to think I actually caught you in the act."

You whipped around to see two men in plague masks. The one who had spoken stepped forward, his green parka and short brown hair dancing around in the winter wind.

"Need something?" You said, adopting a lower tone of voice than your usual alto.

"I'm putting together a little group. I've had my sights set on you for a while. But tracking you down has been a... difficult matter." He said.

"You're not from that damn league of villains are you? As I told that crusty bastard, I'll tell you. I only go where there's good money to be had."

"You'll be generously compensated."

You tapped your steel toe boots on the concrete floor.

"I can assure you, any and all needs will be met."

"Who are you, exactly? If I'm going into business with a complete stranger, I'd at least like to know your name."

"Kai Chisaki, but I'm better known as Overhaul."

"Ah, the Yakuza guy! Yeah, I know who you are. Well now, I might just think about your offer."

He handed a card to you, which gave you a chance to see he wore latex gloves like one would see in a doctors office.

"When you've made your decision, call this number." He said.

You tucked the card into an inside pocket of your jacket. "Will do."

"I hope we get to work together, Mokusei."

You nodded and watched the pair leave. After stepping onto the wall and running up to the top of the skyscraper, you punched in a number on your phone and hit call.

"Yeah, it's me. I got a very interesting offer today after I cleaned up that one mess you left behind." You said.

"You don't say! Tell me all about it, Y/n." Pro Hero Hawks said from the other end.


Hello there, welcome, hope you're having a lovely day. Perhaps you stumbled upon this fic just on a whim, perhaps you know me from the chaotic mess I created about Shigaraki. No matter what, I hope you enjoy this nonsense I'm about to unleash upon this cursed land. Okay, I'll be back soon, it's about to rain and I left my chickens out. They are still small beans and I'd hate for them to catch cold. See ya later.

- Dom :)

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