9. Anxiety

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"Date? What do you wear on a date!" You say to yourself as you pace around in circles. "DAMN!"
Your foot connects with the wall and you hear the cinderblock crack. A sudden thought popped into your head.
"Well I could, no that's stupid." You continue pacing back and forth, back and forth. "Fuck it!"
You grab your wallet and skateboard and head out of the compound.


Clothes were not your forte. Normally your usual garb was baggy and something a skater addicted to weed would wear. Comfortable, easy to clean, and baggy enough to cover any defining lady parts, that was your usual requirement for an outfit. But date clothes? Never, never had that ever crossed your mind in the past years of being a mercenary / spy / whatever the government wanted you to be.

You stared at the dress in the shop window, yeah it would be cute on someone, but not you. 6:00, there wasn't much time to fuss about this. Yeah you could wear the moth eaten suit you kept for very rare occasions, but you felt that wouldn't go over well with old bird beak. It hadn't been washed in months for that matter.

After walking inside the store you put on your headphones and listened to some black metal to calm your nerves. You went over to the rack of clothes and stared at the dress for a minute. It was simple enough, creamy fabric with ribbons tying into bows for shoulder straps. After a brief moment of deliberation you just grabbed it and purchased it as soon as you could. You felt awkward as hell carrying the bag back to the compound. Luckily no one stopped you on the way back to your private room.
      When you finally shut the door behind you, the bag was tossed on the bed and the dress slipped out of it a little.
     "What the hell am I doing!" You whispered to yourself.
      Part of you hoped you accidentally got the wrong size and you wouldn't be able to wear it. Deciding to ignore it for now, you set to work brushing out your messy hair into something manageable. For once you wished you had your own original hair color instead of this blue mop. You checked the time and groaned at the sight of 6:45. He'd be here soon. Your stomach turned on it's head as you stared into the mirror. The dark circles under your eyes really brought out the bloodshot sclera.

     "I'm doomed..." You groan.

      What the hell were you doing going out with this villain anyway! It wasn't part of the mission. You could have said no.

      "6:50, fuck!"

     You ran into the bathroom and threw on the dress. It felt incredibly weird after years of your normal clothes. Without looking in the mirror, you ran back out and realized you had no shoes to go with this. Your battered boots would have to do. You also grabbed a pair of tall socks to cover your unshaven legs and struggled to put them on.

     A knock at the door made you freeze. You dropped the boot you were trying to put on and stared at the door.

     "One minute!!!" You yelled.

     "I told you not to keep me waiting." Chisaki said calmly from the other side of the door.

     "It's only 6:58, I have time!"

     You coulda sworn you heard him laugh on the other side of the door. "6:59 now."

      You pulled on your other boot and swung the door open dramatically. Chisaki was holding a bouquet of white and pink roses of all things. He looked pretty classy in his suit and tie. Something you couldn't match in a million years.

     "You look..." he started.
      You immediately interrupted. "A mess, I know. I didn't have much time okay! I'm uncomfortable and sweaty and cold at the same time! And I'm-"

     "Beautiful." He cut in. "These are for you."

      He offered you the flowers and you immediately turn a bright red. His eyes widened a little while looking at you. Was he blushing under his plain black mask?

     "Ready to go?" He held out his gloved hand after you took the bouquet.

     "I- uh.. okay." You took his hand.


completely forgot I was writing this for months. Perhaps I'll stay out of cryo stasis for a while now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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