2. Come to the Yakuza, We Have Donuts

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Time was weird in the bunker. The lack of a window rubbed you wrong, and you found yourself leaving a lamp on during the night just to have some source of light in the pitch dark room. It almost made you miss your own place, almost.

You certainly missed the ambient sounds of the city. But most of all, it was the lack of having any quick escape route. The training that was ingrained into you after seventeen years wouldn't leave you that easily.

It was nearing 8:00 in the morning after your arrival when you decided it was time to get up and find something to eat. You had packed the essentials into your duffle bag that looked like it could hold at least two dead men, which it had at some point. A couple changes of clothes sat at the top, along with a twelve pack of ramen and your favorite bowl. You took the clothes out and threw them in the dresser, and then carefully set the ramen and bowl to the side. You cursed under your breath as you realized you had neglected to bring your electric teapot. Ramen was out of the question unless you wanted a crunchy snack with dry seasoning.

Your skateboard skittered to the side and you kicked it against the wall. Finally, a handgun, neatly kept in a waterproof case. You sliced the mattress open and hid it inside along with the bullets and magazines. There was a knock at the door and you hurriedly threw on a black medical mask. You slid open the door and saw no one, causing you to peer down the halls to catch a glimpse of someone. Nothing.

"Down here." Said a voice.

You looked down and saw a tiny man clothed in all black with a white plague mask.

"Sorry dude, didn't see you down there." You said.

The tiny man grumbled something condescending and waved for you to follow him. You kicked up your skateboard and followed him.

"You're Mimic right?" You asked, kicking the ground with your foot.

"That's me." He said. "At least you know something."

"Where are we going, Mimic?"

He gave you a scathing look, as scathing as a pint sized plague doctor could get. "There's a meeting happening, I was sent to get you, since you don't know your way around yet."

You thought for a minute and then grabbed the tiny man from the back of the neck. He screeched in protest and tried to punch you with his baby hands.

"Chill dude, this will be quicker." You set him on your shoulder and activated your quirk. You kicked the skateboard up and rode along the wall for a second before doing the same thing again and landing on the ceiling, narrowly avoiding a group of yakuza goons. Upside down you had free reign to go as fast as you wanted.

"LEFT, LEFT!' Mimic yelled in your ear.

You turned and angled your center of gravity to make you gather speed just like you were going down hill. The ride ended by you flipping the board right side up again and landing gently on the floor and zooming into the meeting area.

Chisaki gave you a grim look over his plague mask. You heard a soft chuckle from the corner and saw that it was Kurono.

"Put me down now!" Mimic demanded.

You grabbed him and set him on the ground. Immediately, he ran to the couch and sat as far away from you as possible. Other men in plague masks were entering the room after you, so you scooted off to the corner where Kurono was standing. He seemed chill compared to many of the others that appeared and so you felt no hesitation in asking him where you could find something to eat.

"We've got coffee and donuts on the table over there." Kurono said, pointing to a table you hadn't noticed.

"Sweet! You guys know how to do a meeting right." You said, running over to the table and stuffing two powdered donuts in a napkin along with a cup of black coffee in a styrofoam cup. You returned to Kurono and watched the proceedings from there.

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