8. No Future

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    You awoke to a commotion outside your door. Getting up quickly, you found your normal unassuming clothes and mask laying at the foot of the bed. You pulled them on and poked your head out the door. Several yakuza goons stumbled by and you caught the end of their conversation. The words Eri, and runaway were clearly heard. It seemed like a lot had happened while you were napping. Before you even had time to process the words, Chisaki was storming past your door.

"Good, you're awake." He said without looking at you. "Come."

Without a word you followed him, failing to keep step with his quick pace.

"She got out of the building. I'm going to kill that worthless idiot who was looking after her once she's found."

So she had gotten out. You silently congratulated her on getting out of this place. Hopefully she was being picked up by a hero at this very moment and being taken to safety. But the look on Chisaki's face was enough to tell you that she wasn't getting away so easily.

Once you were out of the building he turned down an alleyway and directed you to go searching by yourself. After looking for a while and finding nothing, you heard a group of raised voices down one of the alleys.

There were two young heroes at the end of the alley, you could hear Kai talking to them. The boy in the green hero suit held onto Eri, The girl was quivering like a leaf. Your heart ached a the scene, if you could have helped rescue the girl you would have but as things lay it was impossible.

Kai was ready to get violent, you knew that just from the strained tone in his voice. He wouldn't like it but you felt like you should interrupt the proceedings before anything happened to the boys.

"Eri, why don't you come on back with me." You said, kneeling down to her level. "Kai, you really are too harsh with her sometimes. I swear if I wasn't around..." You shook your head and held out your arms to the girl.

She slowly stepped away from the green boy and ran into your arms.

"Sorry, Momo." She muttered as she wrapped her arms around your neck.

"At least she listens to you." Kai said.

You hefted the child into your arms and stood next to Kai.

"Are we done here?" He asked the heroes.

"Wait, are you sure..." The younger boy started.

"She's fine. Just a little overwhelmed is all." You said. "We should be getting home now."

He nodded and ran along with it. "You're right. We ought to be going."

As you left you couldn't help but notice the evil eye he gave the girl. The two heroes stayed behind at the end of the alley and looked after the three of you.

You covered Eri's eyes when Kai dismembered her incompetent caretaker. Being used to gore was part of your job but this was too much. The blood spattered out across the wall and you accidentally tracked through a puddle of the unfortunate man as you shuffled Eri off to her room. You left Kai where he was, cursing and rubbing the blood from his ungloved hand.

Eri quivered like a leaf as you guided her back to her room. You wished you could tell her how those same heroes were planning at this very moment to rescue her, but the less she knew the better. You hadn't recognized the pair of young heroes, the green haired one couldn't be past sixteen. Probably work study students or something like that then. You shuddered at the thought of what could have happened to them if Chisaki had decided to get violent. The evidence of what their fate would have been was still stuck to the treads of your left boot, and left a light red pattern behind you as you walked down the hallway.

When you got to Eri's room she clung to your sleeve, unwilling to let go until Hari entered the room.

"I'll look after her for a bit while Kai finds more suitable caretakers." He said with a sigh.

"That's fine, I can watch her for a bit. I'm sure you have a lot more to do than me." You said, hoping you could get more time with Eri to keep her calm.

"He wants to see you."


"Might want to clean off your shoes, he's already agitated enough."

"Noted, should I take a bath in window cleaner while I'm at it?"

"Just get the hell out of here." He rolled his eyes and gestured towards the door.

After cleaning off your boots you made your way to Kai's office. He was sitting at his desk without his mask, rubbing his forehead as if he had a headache. He made a move to put on his mask when he heard the door close but then set it down when he saw it was you.

"I suppose I should thank you for your help." He said flatly.

You shrugged and sat down on his desk, earning a glance of disapproval.

"It was nothing. I was just worried you'd blow up some children right there in the streets. Didn't want to have to clean that up." You said.

"You pretend not to care, but I can tell you do." He said. When you gave him a questioning look he continued. "I like that about you."

"Well that's comforting."

"Feeling better today?" He asked.

"Yep, I'm right as rain."

"So I'll see you tonight then?" He made it sound like you didn't really have a choice.

"Oh, yes... Of course." You fiddled with your fingers, unsure of what to do in this situation.

"I'm sorry, I was too hasty last night. I will have control of myself in the future. I won't do anything you're uncomfortable with."

The future... was it possible this wasn't just a fling to him. Was he thinking of a possible future together? It would be a short future then, in about a week the heroes would come and bust the place up and the man before you would probably be tucked in a cell deep in Tartarus Prison.

"I'd just take it a day at a time. Who knows, I might repulse you tomorrow." You said, self deprecating.

"I doubt that." He stood up and leaned across the desk to connect your lips in a kiss. "I think I'll like you just fine any day, whether it be tomorrow or ten years from now."

Your heart fluttered. So he really was thinking of the future. A pang of regret shot through you as you thought of what those years would actually bring. Perhaps you were playing your part too well, if so, you hoped the heroes came faster, you couldn't get attached.

"I have work to do. I'll see you tonight." He said, gesturing to the door.

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