7. Well, That Happened

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The clock read 1:00 AM when your opened your eyes again. You sat up in bed, head throbbing, and immediately tried to dislodge the tubes hooked up to your arm. Loud beeping came from the monitors but you ignored it and set your feet on the floor.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Chisaki walked through the open door and stood in front of you with crossed arms. He was clad only in pajama shorts and a spotless white t-shirt. His short hair stuck up at odd angles that betrayed the fact he had been sleeping.

"Gonna head to bed." You said blearily.

"You're already in bed."

"My bed."

He pressed his hand against your shoulder and pushed you back, then drew back as if he had touched hot coals. He looked around in annoyance and cursed when he didn't see any latex gloves.

"Can't touch me without your gloves can you?" You taunted, bouncing up to your feet and causing a wave of dizziness go through your head.

"Tch, you wish."

"Wish what?"

"Nevermind, go back to bed."

"I think I'll get up and take a walk."

You made for the door and his arm caught you around the waist and pulled you back. Your back bumped against his chest and you felt a flutter in your chest but soon recovered your senses.

"Oh so now you aren't scared of my germs?"

"You're so annoying." He said, still holding onto you.

"I know."

His arm stiffened. "Who is Keigo?" He asked.

Your blood ran cold, how could he know about that? About Hawks? Then you remembered that his name was only known to you and a few others.  Perhaps it was just a mistake.

"Who is he to you?" Chisaki was unbearably close, you could feel his breath against the back of your neck, tickling the hairs there.

"Just an old friend."

"Just a friend? Nothing else?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"You said his name when you were out. Thought he might be your boyfriend or something."

"No, I don't have anyone like that." You said truthfully, but you did not add that it was basically forbidden that you get into any kind of romantic attachment like that.

"Hmm, good." His grip relaxed but remained around you.

"You gonna let me go or what?"

"What would you do if I don't?"

"I'd -" you cut off when you felt his hand gently caress your side.

"Saying something?" He asked, innocently.

You manipulated your quirk and used it to knock him off his feet, however you did not assess the strength of his hold on you and both of you toppled back onto the bed.

Your head smacked the headboard, making your vision swim as you landed face down into the pillows. Unable to focus your quirk now, he landed with his full weight on top of you. Nearly all the air got knocked out of you which left you a gasping mess. It must have been the blood loss from the injury, never before would you have made such a mistake.

Chisaki did not move, in fact he remained pressed against you. Burning heat broke out on your face as you felt something against your ass. You moved around and he let you, until you had finally worked your way on your back. It was very obvious you had made a mistake by doing this.

Chisaki was over you, face barely inches away, illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights outside. You hadn't even realized you were in the above ground section of the compound until now. It was where Chisaki lived, so you were in the room adjoining his bedroom? Why had he done that? And why was he still on top of you? And why was he leaning closer and closer, without the barrier of his usual mask to block your breath from reaching him.

"What's your real name?" He said, barely moving his lips.

"Why are you asking that?" You said, even more stunned than you already were by his closeness.

"Because I want to call you by your correct name when we're in bed." He said seriously.

"Y/n." You replied before you could stop yourself.

An electric current seemed to hold you in place, unable to move or speak for what felt like 30 seconds before he kissed you.

Everything was fuzzy and yet clear at the same time. Nothing made sense except the feeling of his soft lips on yours, but that was the thing that made no sense.

His hand crept to the waistband of your pajama pants and your whole being broke out in panic. He pressed himself between your legs and did not try to hide what he was experiencing. He broke the kiss and began working down your pants.

"Wait!" You said.

He raised an eyebrow at you but stopped in his actions.

"I'm not ready for that, please." You saw the look on his face and hastily added, "I still feel too weak from today."

"Fine, but how long are you going to make me wait?" He said sternly.

You laughed nervously. "Well, at least buy me dinner first."

"How about tomorrow at 7:30?" He said without an ounce of sarcasm.

You giggled and then trailed off when you realized he was waiting for an answer.

"Wait, you're serious?" You said.

"Did you really think this was something I'd joke about?" He said flatly. "I'm aware you don't own anything that would be appropriate. I would suggest getting a decent outfit."

"Oh..." Was all you could say. You looked at the floor, trying your best not to blush.

"Is there something wrong with my proposal?"

"No, um, well..." You stopped and fiddled with your fingers. "Why me?"

"Why you?" He paused and stepped forward. A gloved hand turned your face up, forcing you to look at him. "Because you are y/n. And you are what I want."

Your heart betrayed you, and for a moment you were sure he could hear the pounding that it made inside your chest.

"Is that a yes?" He asked.

"It is." you said quietly.

"Good, I'll come get you at 7:30. Don't even entertain the thought of making me wait."

With that he detangled himself from your legs and left the room, leaving you as stunned as I was when he entered.


Sorry I didn't get this uploaded last week, took a while for my editor to get to it. Turns out it was lucky cause my wrist decided to die and cause me unimaginable pain whenever I moved it. It's getting better though. I can type again now. So hopefully I'll be back on track next week.

How did you like the chapter? I felt like throwing you all into the deep end. Just cause I got bored waffling around so much.

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