The Store [Pillow Problems]

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"Just a normal day at the store," Krystal the shopkeeper said in her crackly high pitched voice, so annoying. She is restocking the pillows.

{Fillip POV}
"Oh, salutations! I am Fillip, the wonderful pillow." [AKA the best pillow here]
"Anyways, my brother, Fillio, stole MY crush Bonita the bed!" "We were and if not, meant to be!"
"Honestly, I think I am going to kill my brother." "He is the reason I am no longer the favorite pillow, anymore."
"I swear my pillow parents no longer love me, ever sense he was born, life was miserable."

{Fillio POV}

"Salutations, I am Fillio!" "My girlfriend, Bonita the bed, she is wonderful!" "My older pillow brother, Fillip, always says he should have been with Bonita, and says he will kill me if I don't break up with her." "Luckily my pillow parents take my side, and let me stay with Bonita." "Anyways, I have to act like I'm not alive, Krystal the shopkeeper is coming, bye!"

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