The Store [CheckOut]

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"Hello, have you found everything you need today?" Krystal asked the lady.
"Yep!" The lady replied with great confidence. "Wonderful!" Krystal said.

The lady starts to put the two pillows on the conveyor belt with all the other essentials she had in the cart.

{Fillio POV}

"Here goes nothing, goodbye superstore, goodbye Bonita." "I hope Bonita doesn't get mad I don't show up to our date tonight, well no matter what, I can't show up." "Ugh, why was I chosen, why not Fillip?"

"Ok, your total will be $44.87." "Will that be cash or credit?" Krystal asked kindly.
"Uh, credit," The lady said.
"Are you a rewards member with us by any chance?" Krystal asked.
"Yes," The lady responded.
"Could you give me the phone number?" Krystal asked.
"Yes, *** *** ****."
"Linda?" Krystal asked on if that was the name that was under the phone number.
"Yes, that's me!" Linda replied.
"It looks like you have $23 dollars in rewards cash, would you like to use it for todays purchase?" Krystal asked Linda.
"Sure," Linda said.
"That brings you down to $21.87, if you could just slid your card, you're set to leave!" Krystal said.
"Okay,"Linda said.
*Linda swipes card*
*Krystal bags up all Linda's stuff*
"Have a wonderful day!" Krystal announced.
"You too!" Linda had said.

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