The Store [Lady with cart]

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{ Fillip POV}

"It was just another normal day at the store, until this lady in her mid thirties came with her shopping cart into the pillow aisle." "She was looking around, until she saw my pillow family,"  "She grabbed Fillio!" "Yes, yes, YES, he is finally gone." "Never would I thought he would be gone, wait the lady grabbed my best friend, Helicopter, NOOOO!" "How could it happen, why I thought, WHY?" "We've known each other for so long, and now he's gone...."

{Fillio POV}
  "When I saw the lady, I thought she would at least take Fillip, but no, me." "I won't be able to say goodbye to Bonita!" "Wait the lady picked up Fillip's best friend, Helicopter, looks like I will have a buddy." "I don't even really know Helicopter that much, all I know is it is Fillip's friend, nothing else.

" Ugh, finally, I found the right pillows for my bed," The lady said sounding proud.

  {Helicopter POV}
   " That lady, I've seen her before, she is the one who took my family a long time ago, when I was happy." "She is the reason I no longer have happiness, she will pay for that." "Wait, she picked me up, and put me in a cart with who seems like Fillip's younger brother Fillio." "I can't believe he took his own brother's crush, wait, since Fillio will be gone, this is Fillip's chance to get together with Bonita!" "I wish you luck Fillip."

  "Finally, i can go to the checkout and get outta here!" The lady said, while sounding accomplished.

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