The Store [ParkingLot]

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"Never would I have thought I would be in a store for sooo long," Linda said to herself.

{Fillio POV}
"So, uh I need to find a way outta here, and get back into the store, before she or should I say "Linda" closes the trunk door." "I don't think I will be able to though, ughh."

*Linda finishes putting her groceries in the inside of her car trunk, she closes the trunk door.*

{Helicopter POV}

"Ugh, I need to get out of here, but I can't, and now I'm stuck with "Linda" and freaking "Fillio", ugh a pillow I hate and a person I hate, double worse." "Why couldn't Nintendo Switch be chosen, that pillow is annoying, let me tell you."

"Finally, I can get outta here, let me get outta here!" Linda says as she she's a random man come up behind her car. "What is he doing?" Linda asks herself. Linda rolls down her window to yell at the man to get out of the way. The man grabbed something from out of his pocket, and went up to Linda...

{Fillio POV}

"I don't know what was happening, but all of a sudden, there was screaming and yelling for help; bloody screams."
"What a shame," Fiilio said.
"What do you mean?" Helicopter asked.
"Seems like she's dead, she was screaming, now there is no sound, no nothing," Fillio replied to Helicopter.
"I didn't like "Linda" that much, but come on, that's too far man, too far.

{Helicopter POV}

"Never could I hear something so deep, that was completely out of hand for a pillow to say."

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