The Store [Bed aisle]

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"Can I have some help putting new covers on this bed?" Kyo asked. " Yeah, I'll be over there in a minute!" Rang yelled over to Kyo. "Thanks hun!" Kyo said to Rang.  Rang went over to Kyo to help with putting on the new covers.

The bed happened to be  Bonita.

{Bonita POV}

     "New covers already?" "It feels like yesterday I got new covers!" "Time sure flies by."

By this time Fillio and Bonita have been dating for 2 and a half years now.

"It's almost our anniversary, I think I will get Fillio a new pillowcase,  he said he needed a new one!" "Speaking of Fillio, I can't wait to see him later!" "I hope he remembered our date tonight...."

"Ok, we're done with the covers!" Kyo and Rang said at the same time. "JINKS!" Kyo yelled out, " You owe me a kiss," Kyo knowing that was one thing Rang would do. "Wow, you know me so well!" Rang says acting surprised. Kyo starts to giggle at that.

{Bonita POV}

" Wow, they seem so happy, I wonder if one of them has a jealous older brother [Talking about Fillip]
Bonita said, while wondering about it.

What Was Meant To Happen {Pillow X Bed} {Pillow X Pillow}Where stories live. Discover now