Prolouge/First meet..second? third?

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third person pov

(A boy lays in his bed at his apartment, beside a black cat. What is his name?)
(This boys name is SUNNY?)

SUNNY scoffs at his phone, and rolls his eyes. He had gotten a text from his boss telling him he had to work today, though it was one of his only days off. He said they were busy, and short on staff, and needed him there in around 40 minutes. SUNNY didnt want to have to do this today, but if he didnt theres a chance he would get fired, and he needs the money. Surprisingly, the bar he works at, a few miles away from the city he moved to 8 years ago and near his old childhood town, paid good money. Mainly from the tips, cause he taught himself to be nicer since it gave better tips, even if he hated it. SUNNY wanted to be able to slouch in bed all day, cooped up in his apartment, but alas, if he wanted a place to live hed have to deal with this bullshit. He got up and walked into the bathroom, in which the black cat followed him, and started the shower.
After he undressed, he stepped into the shower and cleaned himself.

timeskip to after he finished getting ready yaya

Before SUNNY went, he made sure he had everything and made sure to give his cat fresh water and more food, and pet it before leaving. He made sure to lock the door and finally left his apartment building and went into his car. He still had around 10 minutes till he had to be there, and it was a 15 minute drive. Its only 5 minutes, he shouldnt get into to much trouble..

..another timeskip idk also sunnys pov lololol

"SUNNY! We needed you here 10 minutes ago!" My boss yelled, god i hate him, its not my fault. "I had to stop for gas, and by the time i was ready it was already 6:50. Sorry." It was only 7:05, it wasnt the end of the world. "Just, get to work." He sighed and walked back to his office. I rolled my eyes and walked behind the stand. He was right though, it was busy, especially with the fact that many people decided to eat here as if it was a restaurant.. I get that its also technically a restaurant, but why this shitty place? Nobody new had come in yet, and one of my co workers had taken care of everyone sitting at the bar area, so i had nothing to do and just rested my head in my hand.

After around 10 minutes(which felt like an hour), someone new finally entered and sat at the bar. i was picking at my nails, so i didnt look up. after around a minute of silence, or more like, silence from him, i got somewhat annoyed. What was the point in coming if you arent gonna order anything? "...Are you gonna get something, or what?" i squinted, still picking at my nails. "Huh? Oh no, sorry! i was gonna meet up with a friend, just waiting for her to show up!" He answered, you could almost hear the smile in his voice.. his voice sounded friendly, almost familiar but different, it made me feel unpressurized to have to put on the nice act, like i could just be nice without trying. strange. Maybe its someone ive run into before? I have terrible memory at this point, so i wouldnt be surprised. I finally looked up at the boy, who seemed to be running out of patience, and something clicked finally.

"Holy shit, KEL?"

idk whatthis is but i got bored one day and decided to makw this, sorry its so shorr lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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omori future au idk ill think of a title laterWhere stories live. Discover now