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I did it on purpose duh. Yellow t-shirt. I mean I should let people know that she is mine, even though I didn't tell her. Even, Amelia and Ed wore the same colour, blue, so I thought even we should do too. Hehe. I'm silly and childish, I know.

We sat in the car Ed and Amelia in the front, me and Em at the back. Since, Ed knew Paris inside out, he said he would be our tourist guide for today. He had been to Paris trips like half of his life. I came here like twice or thrice and even I know places but not as precisely as him.

Me and Em were sitting at the back. We both were literally sitting at the corners of the seat. She was looking at the view outside through the opened window and I was looking at her.

Her hair was flying with the speed of the air but she didn't care. It was like the female lead of the film whose hair flies all the time and the male lead looks at her in admiration. Damn, this is like a movie. Don't mind my imagination, I'm just so much into romantic movies and series.

The car took a sudden right turn and Em came and fell on me and..........her lips happened to touch my cheeks which means........SHE KISSED MY CHEEK. What the hell? What is this? A Cdrama?

We both repelled instantly after realizing what just happened. I tried my best to hide my blush and I was quite successful in that but she wasn't, I could clearly see her flustered face which she was trying to hide.

I saw Ed from the mirror of the car, he winked at me, that bloody idiot, he did it on purpose and Amelia too, she giggled looking at me. I swear these both are made for each other.

We went to a museum. Ah, the most boring part.

I was watching Emily carefully listening to whatever Ed was telling about a particular object. Damn, how are people so patient, I can never be.

I mean, I can be patient only when I find something interesting, like my job. If I don't like something, then I don't even waste a single minute with it.

I left them and roamed around for a while and finally went out of the museum and sat outside on a bench when I guy came and greeted me.

It was him, the guy who was with Emily in the mall.
"Hello." He said and I was a little surprised and irritated as to why he would greet me.
"Hello." I said uninterestedly.
I'm Ashton and you are?" He asked and I said "Jason."
"Do you know Emily? Because I saw you with her just now and I saw you in the mall too, so I was wondering." He said.
"If you're wondering then wonder, why are you asking me? And are you stalking us? Because I see you everywhere." I said getting frustrated.

"Oh come on don't be so rude. It's just a coincidence, I swear." He said as if we were best buddies.
"Okay, I know her, so what?" I asked him.
"Nothing, I just like her." He said and that's it he is dead.
"How did you like her so quickly?" I asked like they met in the mall right?
"I had had a crush on her since high school but never got the guts to confess." He said,. Ugh, typical high school love story.

"Did you tell her now then?" I said trying my best to control my jealousy.
"Ya, I texted her like last night." He said.
"And what did she say?" I asked him as I waited for his reply on which my life was dependent. She would never say yes, she clearly likes me but still a part of me said 'what if she didn't?'

"She said yes." He said and that's it.

I stood up clenching my teeth trying to control the tears which were about to flow down. I wasn't angry, I was heartbroken. Why? What did I do? Then why was she sad when I ignored her? She was scared of losing a friend maybe? Am I just a friend to her? Then why did she ask me to stay with her last night? What was all that?

Hundreds of thoughts ran through my mind. It's just a misunderstanding Jason, just talk with her, you don't need to trust a stranger more than her. Yes, I don't need to and want to trust him. I mean, who the hell is he to tell me that she likes him? I stood up and was about to go inside when he caught my arm.

"Wait, let me complete." He said and made me sit down again.
"She said yes, she did like me in high school but it's over now. She said 'I am already in love with a man'. I got kind of angry, and I asked what made you like him?

You know what she said? She said

'Tell me what didn't make me like him? No, like is too small a word, I guess I love him. I feel positive whenever I'm around him, his cheeky smile, his funny and jolly nature, the way he cares for me, the way he is possessive over me, the way he patiently waited for me the whole time to like him back. I can write a book on what made me love him. But at the end, I messed up all of that. I honestly don't deserve him, he is like a treasure inside a box but I lost the key to open it. I'm sorry but I can't like you back Ashton. It's okay, you will get a better girl than me.'

Jason, it's you, isn't it? The guy she was talking about. I just wanted to tell you that please don't let her go." He said hold in my hand.

"Can I hug you?" I asked not controlling my tears anymore.
I hugged him and said "thank you so much, Ashton. Thank you."
"It's okay, it's fine, now go get her before it's already late."


The Museum was pretty fascinating, I have always loved visiting museums. Where was Jason? Oh, now he dosen't like my presence? After the visit was done, I thought to leave Amelia and Ed alone for a while and went for a walk.
"Guys, I'll be back in sometime." I informed them and went out for a stroll.

The cold, chilly wind was hitting my bare shoulders. It was cold but felt good. I wish I could walk like this with Jason. Now I understood why he started ignoring me, that way I realized how much I love him. The distance between us made me miss him even more. I was longing for his touch, his hugs and our kiss. It was not my first kiss but I know that it was the best one. I want more of his kisses but I think I won't get it anymore.

I don't want to overthink it. I mean I already did it but still. I don't care anymore, I'll just go and confess and wait for him even if he accepts me or not. I'll let him vent all his anger on me rather than seeing him angry and aloof.

As I was about to get back to the museum, I was already far away from it, I saw a man walking behind me, shit. Not again.

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