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I couldn't even turn back since he was following me, it was a lonely street. There were very less people. I started walking straight without knowing, in which direction I was moving. I remembered all those days when I was being stalked. 'Don't pass out now, Em, not the time.' I internally scolded myself.

He was moving very fast now, I got scared, I almost started crying but suddenly two men came out of nowhere and smacked that guy on the head.
"This was the guy who ran from the mental asylum. Why did you run away?" One of them asked him.
"I liked that teddy on that lady's purse, so I just wanted that but whenever I go closer to her she moves even further away." He said pointing towards me.

Oh God, how's it always me? I get it that he liked it and all, but why was he walking like a creep? I got tensed for nothing. They took him away and I felt a sense of relief but not for more than a second. My fate decided otherwise. Now, I was lost in this lonely street. I neither knew French nor the directions.

The sun was about to set, which made the situation ten times worse. I tried to walk back but it only took me to a more creepy place. I was in the verge of crying but suddenly, my smart brain realized after half an hour of walking that I have a phone in my pocket. Wow, give a round of applause for this quick wit.

Without any further thought, I called Jason.


I went inside the museum to look for Emily. I found Amelia and Ed but couldn't find Em.
"Guys, where is Em?" I asked them.
"She told that she was going for a walk." Ed said.
"And you let her? This is France Ed, she doesn't know the streets here, you remember when I got lost here for the first time when I went 'just for a walk'." I said almost shouting at Ed.
"I am sorry guys, I was just scared, I'll just look outside," I said realizing that I was overreacting.

I went out and searched for her but couldn't find her anywhere. My heart rate started rising. Where are you Em? Where are you when I need you? Please don't get lost. Please don't get kidnapped.

I suddenly got a call. It was Em. I lifted it instantly.
"Hello Jason." The weight on my heart somewhat lightened after hearing her voice but there was tension in it.
"Em, where are you?" I asked her.
"I don't know Jason. It's so creepy here. I'm scared." She said. I could feel her voice breaking and I could fell her crying.

"It's okay Em, calm down first, take deep breathes and tell me any billboards or anything you see around you." She did as I said.
"There is a small tree house on a tree." She said.
"Come on Em, you need to be specific." I said.
"Opposite to it is small grocery shop which is currently closed." She said and I instantly Google 'grocery shops near me.' Yes, found it. Since, the place was not a market area, it was very to rare to have a grocery shop here so it's easy to find it.

I walked according to the directions and finally found a grocery store and saw a tree house opposite to it. Found it but where is she? I looked around but couldn't find her. I was getting tensed again. I looked here and there and there, she was sitting in a corner outside the shop, crouched with her face in her hands.

"Em, I'm here." I shouted from a distance. Her head popped up. Her faced formed a huge smile. She stood up and came running to me and I opened my arms wide. She came and jumped on me with her legs around my waist.

"Thank you so muchhhh, Jason." She said hugging me tightly.
"Your welcome, I guess." I said hugging her even more tightly.
"Do you want to get down?" I asked laughing at her cute hug.
"No, I want to stay like this." She said pouting. Cute af.
"How about a piggy back ride?" I asked and she said "that'd work I guess."

I laughed as she climbed my back.
"Damn, you're so heavy." I teased her.
She smacked my head and shouted in my ear "IDIOT."
"Owww Em. Don't forget jm still angry with you." I said.
"Okay okay I was just kidding." I said.

There was complete silence. No one talked. I took the courage to ask her about what Ashton told earlier but as I was about to say I could hear light snores. How can she sleep in such a situation? Oh God. I've to wait for a whole night to talk to her.

We reached the museum only to see Amelia and Ed getting tensed as to where we were. I waved at them. They too waved but were shocked to see Em sleeping on my back.
"What happened to her? Why is she passed out? Did anyone hit her on the head? Oh my god." Amelia asked me getting tensed.
I shushed her and gestured that I'll tell later and that she is asleep right now.

Ed brought the car and I placed Em on one side and sat on the other side. Suddenly, she kept her head on my lap and slept. Control yourself, Mr.Heart, control. I brushed my hands over her hair and smiled at her cute figure. I saw Ed and Amelia smiling at the scene behind them.

"Thank you so much guys." I whispered to them.
"What did we do? If it's about the car turn in the aftern-"
"The room." I said cutting off Ed's sentence.
They were shocked.
"I heard you guys in the flight." I said and winked at both of them.

After reaching, I picked her up and placed her on the bed and I slept on the couch as usual.

I woke up in the morning, obviously Mr. Sun was too eager to throw all his light on me. I opened my eyes and looked at the bed. She was still sleeping but she shifted a little after a minute. I instantly closed my eyes. I wanted to see what she would do.


I opened my eyes only to see Jason sleeping. He looked so handsome even in the early morning and, my hair, nothing less than a demon. I slowly walked to the couch and kneeled down to see his face. I removed the hair strands falling on his face and looked at his perfectly shaped eyebrows, his nose and his red lips.

All of a sudden, he opened his eyes and grabbed my face, pecking my lips.
I widened my eyes in surprise. He pulled away and I was still in shock.
"How about you inform me before doing something like this?" I said looking at him.
"Okay so I'm going to kiss you again." He said in his hoarse voice and pulled me on the couch and flipped me around so now he was on top of me.

He grabbed my lips with his lips and kissed me as if there was no tomorrow, as if he was waiting to do this for years. I kissed him back but couldn't match his speed. After a while, he slowed down his kiss and kissed me softly and smoothly as if I'd break if any more pressure was put on.

Finally, we pulled away.
"I think we need to talk." I said first and he agreed.

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