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(Tord's pov)

Fights..Fights.. Tom and I always held arguments even if it was stupid or not, it had became a completely normal routine for us since...that day.

..Continuing on, the fights had became more and more annoying lately. It's really annoying for me. I mean yeah usually I tease him when am in the mood to make him mad, but whenever am not it's really not that fun anymore.. let's just say.. i snap whenever am not in the mood.

Sometimes he CAN be pretty funny and quite annoying, whenever am not looking or there he's usually more nicer which makes me more annoyed since it reminds me of the old him.. I 'kinda'  miss when we could of just talked casually and laugh so comfortably with eachother without taking things serious like we were best buddies for life.We were the best duo out there besides Edd and Matt.

...But now time change while paths disconnect from eachother.

Me and Tom.. let's just say we used to be boyfriends?? 

I wake up from my thoughts and 2 dreams or should I say nightmares of them.

Realizing it was already night, I messed around with my blanket trying to find my phone. Minutes passed and finally realized I had it in my hand the whole time. I was kind of pissed off realizing I was so stupid.

I got up from my bed then checking my phone. It was 1.am gosh.. I fell asleep for 5 hours?! I was just scrolling through my phone though?!? I thought I wouldn't fall asleep early anymore since I was a child, guess not. Now I feel awake like I don't want to sleep again but that's just my mind.

I yawned shoving my phone in my hoodie I slept in with boxers on but eh who would be awake during this hour? 

I open my door heading to the bathroom until I feel someone breath on my neck.. I instantly turned around to see.. Edd?? What the, why is he still awake? He begin to move his mouth

"Hey Tord! Watchu doing up so late?" Edd said with.. a hickey? Or is that just me? I can't really see in the dark but anyways..

"Uh nothing much what about you??" I replied back

"Oh same by me! But hey can you uh bring Tom back to his room? He drank to much alcohol when I found him at a bar.." he said 

"Errr.. sure?? Where is he?" I said looking for Tom 

Edd lifting up Tom with two hands with a bit of trouble then pushing him towards me. Making him almost fall but I catch him in time. 

"Anyways am off to bed I can't sleep late you know? My precious nap and Ringo is awaiting for me!" He said dashing quietly off to his bedroom.

That was weird.. but why is the back of his clothes dirty?..  come to think of it he might of dragged him here since he is a bit heavy-

Whatever.. I said lifting him up and placing on my back and walking towards his bedroom. I mean I don't mind if he isn't awake so he doesn't complain because it's  quite peaceful.

I finally reached there and placed him in his bed gently then realizing he was half a awake the whole time. 

"Edd?.." he said

I didn't really know what to say but I decided to act as him "Yes?Jev-.. Tom?" 

"You know you really didn't have to do this for me right?.. but I appreciate it" he said forming a smile

"I can't just leave you alone alright?" I said kind of sad he thought I am Edd

Then I felt a sudden pull from Tom making our lips collide.. I was shocked but why was I liking it? It's not like we do it a lot but this is different I don't know why..

I begin to kiss him back leading him to push me back. Seeing him blush heavily 

"T-that's enough, you should go back to bed now Edd" he said

Oh right am Edd.. "Okay, goodnight Tom" I said then tucking him with his blanket and then walking towards the door.. it sort of hurt seeing that he likes someone else but let's just keep things normal. 

I went back to my room and went to sleep bothered about what happened and slowly fell asleep.

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