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(Tords pov)

Why is everyone running? Where am I? It's like am in a white endless room with.. strange figures running away from something?.. WAIT IS THAT TOM?! WHY AM I FALLING?! 


##e# ##l b##r#### #o#. D##t #ru## t##m


I woke up from my nightmare with tears and sweat running down my face.. what was that?.. I said rubbing my eyes and wiping away my tears.

Whatever. That's just another nightmare I had again but why is it happening so often now?..

I got up from my bed stretching my arms and yawning, sigh I hate these nightmares I said rubbing my back.

Wait a hot sec? I didn't wash my hoodie? No wonder it smelled a abit. I took off my hoodie and walk to the bathroom to wash it. After that was done it was soaking wet so I hanged it outside, when it was done I realized I only had some few other clothes and jackets left and my shirt am wearing right now.. I would wear them but i hadn't washed them in a few months. I know dirty right?. Anyways time to eat!

*time skip after eating breakfast in the kitchen*

Hmmmm am a bit bored... what should I do?.. hey! I know what! I'll do the same routine of playing with Tom I do everyday of course!.

I grabbed something and went to the living room seeing Tom sitting on the couch just staring deep into the tv screen.

"Hey Jehovah's Witness~" I said grinning.

"Now what Commie?" Tom said in a annoyed tone.

"I don't know???~" I said in a sarcastic tone then immediately whipping out a plastic bag and covering his head.

I ran away as fast as I can, I look back to see Tom sitting down still but the second time I look he was running towards me like FLASH. Lemme tell you one thing for sure, I SCREAMED like a little girl getting hunted down by trauma of seeing there parents go full on in out in dah bed by accident.

We were running in circles until Edd stop us and grab Tom hood making him stop a bit. I turned around slowing down my run which means I was walking backwards. I stuck out my tongue at him. 'Ha ha he's finally done but man am so out of breath'.

Walking back a bit more I stumbled over my leg reaching out for whatever can stop my fall, but instead I got Matt and drag him down with me... which I didn't notice- well fæn. (fuck)

Dragging him down his mirror slipped out making it crash to the floor and shatter.

Matt then gasp and quickly grab his shatter pieces and cried.


Edd release Tom quickly and ran to Matt (his dear beloved hus-) because it is really dangerous to pick up sharp glass shards that can lead to injury. I look at them and to Tom and he did the same.

'What?' I signaled to him, he just stuck out his tongue to me and cross his arms.

I roll my eyes and flip him off making him do the same thing.

Edd yelled at me to clean up the mess since it was technically my fault, I groaned and went to grab a dustpan and a broom to clean it up.

After a few minutes I was on the floor getting the remains under the couch, a few bits more I then saw Tom smirking at me.. what a creep- fuck him man, I knew he was enjoying what he sees right now.

'Let's see if he still likes it then..' I turn around and kick his damn leg attempting to make him fall but instead he unexpectedly fell on me.

My mind was scrambling flustered everywhere but I slowly gained myself back and cooled down.

"Wow you fell for me huh?." I said smirking

Tom face lit up and had a slightly visible pink blush on his face then realizing what was happening and got up immediately.


"Oh really?~" I said teasingly getting up 

Edd and Matt froze there blankly shock on the scene that was happening right now.

I look at them and chuckle a little, well that's something new that I don't see in my life but eh I expected them to say something but whatever.

I look back at Tom to see his expression same as Edd and Matt faces. Oh wow, Matt and Edd snap out of there doze and continue what they were doing and stay silent about what was happening not questioning it now.

Since Tom is still frozen and grab his hand and drag him somewhere outside.

Of course I didn't know where I was going but I followed my heart.

I do admit I like Tom but I don't really think he does like me back since he probably likes Edd. I frown a bit just from thinking of that but just push that aside. No one can stop me as long as we're together. 

Tom had finally regain his consciousness and immediately ask where we're going, I shrug and just replied with just wait and see.

The scene start to form infront of our eyes, it was a cliff above the blue glazing ocean with waves swaying quietly and softly against the dirt walls. The breeze was perfect and everything.

When we reach I sat down while Tom was stun to see the view, smiling from his reaction I pull him down to sit making him snap out of it.

"Woah where did you even find a place like this?.." Tom ask

"Heh.. it was a place I stumbled across when I had tough times with my (real) parents.. and then It became a place for me to relax in.

It seem like Tom wanted to ask but he didn't.

"It's almost time." I said

Tom look at me tilting his head "What?"

"Look" I said smiling pointing to the sunset that was infront of us.

"Wow..." he said speechless

The sunset had a dazzling and blazing look with the waves turning into a golden color. The fluffy color clouds surrounding it made it even better.

"It's so beautiful" I said looking at it.

"It really is, I think this place is my favorite area now and I know not in a million years you will hear this but thank you for bringing me here" he said smiling at me.

I blush a bit and chuckle "it's my pleasure Tom."

Cool wind passing by blew my hair in the air swiftly as the sky gets more darker and bright stars appear.

A while had pass and I was night by now, I was feeling warmth on my hand making me realize we  are holding hands?! When did that even happen? I blush hard making my heart pound fast this is really.. really crazy. 

"Hello Tord?" He said waving his hand infront of my face making me snap out of it.

"Oh sorry there am just a tad bit tired" I said nervously.

"Oh alright?.." he said looking back to the sky.

I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. I guess I am tired, this really is a perfect sight though. Really beautiful as I said in my mind looking at Tom. I don't mind this at all, I just want to enjoy the moment I said smiling and slowly.. my eyelids became heavier.

(Bro idk how to make fluff + am bad at describing/ writing stuff 😭.)

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