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(Tom's pov)

(In the living room at day time)

I switch the channels back and forward looking for a good channel to watch but nothing caught my interest. 

Then suddenly I heard a large ruckus in my room. I decide to go and check what it was and saw Tord standing infront of... SUSAN snapped in half and some pieces broken off

"WHAT THE HELL TORD?" I said rushing to Susan.

"I didn't mean-" 

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" I exclaimed

I look down at the bass and grab it's broken pieces, I don't think it's repairable anymore.. a few drop of tears slowly appeared on my face. I look up to see Tord trying to speak but he hesitated.

"JUST GET OUT" I yelled at him and he quickly walked out and only glancing back once.

I look at the now broken pieces but I don't think Susan can be fixed again, she's been through a lot. Like ALOT, but she just can't die now.. she's my treasure and now it's been broken from that ass hole.

 I grab a glue bottle and try to stick them back together but it was no use, it wasn't sticking anymore. Do I really have to throw her away? Few more tear drops fell and I felt hurt. I started to trust that stupid Commie but after breaking Susan I can't forgive him. 'I just hope he leaves or just dies in a fire not like I would care' I mumbled out. I look down at Susan and sighed. I pick the Susan and the pieces and put it in a safe box while I was doing that I once more teared up, i hear coughing coming from outside but I ingored it.. 

Getting up I slam my fist to the wall and went out my room to the kitchen with pure anger. All I could think of was the history between me and Susan. I open the fridge and grabbed my Smirnoff bottle, pouring it in my mouth I realized I ran out and got more angry and threw it to the ground then slamming the fridge door. Frustrated I went to the bar early today to ease out my mood.

||at the bar||

The bar's door ringed while I open it, people staring at me left and right suprised.

 "What got you early this time now?" The bartender asked me as I sit down passing me my usual drink.

"It's just because of the same guy Tord fully broke my Susan" I said frustrated grabbing my drink and chugging it down.

"Ohh you mean your Bass? Well geez do you know what's the reason why he broke it?"

"No! Not at all! I entered the room just to see it broken on the floor!" I slam my cup on the counter and sighed.

"Doesn't he know that bass of yours is your treasure?" 

"He does! But it's just.." I clench my fists "he seemed.. nevermind that" I said rubbing my temples, I signal for more alcohol.

He raise his brow at me and got my drinks "Just cool down and ease your stress maybe he wanted to say something to you?"

"As if" I said furrowing my brows chugging down my drinks.

||Few minutes pass by||

"Oh yeaaaa Tom, I heard you like Edd or something mind spilling?~" he said raising his brows up and down. I spit out my drink hearing those words.

Coughing I yelled out "Fuck no!, that was a only one time thing when I was drunk plus Matt likes him I can't just betray him even though I hate him but not as much as I hate Tord." I mumble the last part of my words. 

The bartender (Vixx) chuckles and smirk at me "I see you can't stop thinking of him can you now?" He said teasingly

I blush slightly realizing I truly was,

"No i'm not Vixx it's just we have bad terms with eachother." I said narrowing my eyes at him not to get the wrong idea.

He rolls his eyes "You better not mess up your moves though" he said giggling heading to serve other customers. 

I face palm myself thinking of what happened the past few days, I chuckle softly at some parts and frown at others. It's just like a ride of mix emotions yet it's so plain. I continue to get lost in my thoughts..

Every time I close my eyes I see him in my vision happy... just he and me in peace with an endless flower field surrounding by beautiful red lilies and luscious green grass. The breeze would blow gently swiftly and slowly swaying his hair with his bright smile.

(Bad drawing :p)

Vixx snapped me out of my sleep "Hey it's almost closing time Tom" he said waiting

"It's already closing time? What time is it?" I said confused.

"1am man, you've been sleeping since afternoon" he said cleaning up things

I groan and got up my seat. "Do I really have to?" I said stretching looking at Vixx nodding. I roll my void eyes and walked out waving bye to him.

||at home :3||

I sleepily went back in my bedroom and flop on my bed. I sigh and look at my phone noticing there was messages between 7 to 9 , I yawned and ignored the messages and left it for tomorrow.

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