the start of a unforgettable event

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this fanfic or whatever contains stuff like p-p-p-p-POTTY WORDS😱 and mature themes, it's nothing to dark ig but you should at least be 13 to read this and I wrote this as a joke

sakura wakes up to the ever so dreadful noise of her alarm clock, she buries her head into her pillow tiredly. "wake up you sleepy head" says kero, sakura slowly gets up and sits on her bed, rubbing her eyes. the light from the crack of her window shines on her, she looks at her clock and realizes that she's 20 minutes late "oh shit" sakura says in her head. she quickly rushes to put on her uniform "oh my fucking god kero why didn't you wake me up earlier" sakura says to kero, "maybe if you fixed your sleeping schedule instead of talking to yukito on the phone all night then this wouldn't be a problem" kero replies. sakura rushes downstairs and sees that toya is about to leave, "of course the monster is awake your 20 minutes late im about to leave" toya says as he notices sakura. sakura notices the empty plate of food and realizes that was her breakfast "i ate your food btw because you were sleeping" says toya as he grins, sakura clenches her hand in a fist in anger, (I'll get you one day) sakura says in her head, sakura quickly rushes down the stairs and put on her roller skates and her safety equipment. toya and sakura leave for school, "have fun you two" sakuras dad says before they both leave, silently chuckling from how angered sakura looks.

*end of this chapter*

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