sakura doesnt let bs slide

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sakura closes her bag and drops it to the ground, sakura lifts up her shoulders and clutches her hand in a fist knowing that there is no way she can calm herself down right now. she picks up her bag and heads to class and takes out her math book (i don't understand any of this shit) sakura says in her head, she writes random shit in her math book ands notices lee cheating off of her. "stop fucking cheating off of me you look like a anime version of peter griffin especially with that green outfit you always be wearing" sakura says to lee, lee doesn't stop cheating but sakura doesn't notice. when she turns in her work the teacher notices how both of lees and sakuras answers are the exact same "sakura did u cheat off of lee?? wtf are these answers you quite literally cheated off of the wrong person, if your gonna cheat do it fucking right" the teacher says to sakura. "I recommend you change that tone because if your gonna commit a crime then do it right to because I've been seeing you wink at one of your students" sakura responds angrily

*end of chapter*

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