the arrival to kamino

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Y/N's pov
I was waiting in the jedi academy because Master kenobi summoned me to go with him on a mission he didn't say what kind "Y/N" I hear behind me and I see my adopted sister katooni running up to me and I smile
"Kat what are you doing your going to be late for your lessons?" I say kneeling down "I made some friends and I think im getting a hang of my lightsaber but what are you doing here don't you have your studies to go to?" She says and I nod

"I've been summoned to go on a mission with Master kenobi apparently it's a simple mission" I say and she nods and looks behind me "speaking of which he's just arrived" she says and I stand up and look straight and I see him behind me and he smiles

"hello there Y/n care to introduce me?" He says and I nod "yes Master kenobi meet my adoptive sister katooni she's in the jedi initiate program with the other padawans Master yoda and ahsoka have been teaching" I say and she bows "nice to finally meet you Master kenobi I'm sorry for keeping my sister waiting just wanted to see why she wasn't in her studies have a good day Master kenobi bye Y/n see you when you get back" she says waving and I wave to her back and I walk with Master kenobi to his ship

"so adoptive sibling huh?" He says and I nod "after my mother and father were done with a mission they found her next to her parents bodies so they buried the bodies and took her with they knew how much I've always wanted a sibling but never could so we adopted her and turns out she was force sensitive like me but I was only 9 at the time and she was 3 when Master yoda took us here and made you my master to train me" I say and he nods "you indeed have a kind heart" he says once we reach his ship I see R4 in the ship so I climb in the back and he climbs in the front "so what mission are we going to Master kenobi if you don't mind me asking?" I say and the doors close
"we are going to a place called kamino where they're the cloning project on the clones not to mention I believe we have found a bounty hunter there who's trying to kill-" I interrupted him

"senator padme amidala there was word that someone tried to kill her on her way to her ship but didn't kill her and....I interrupted again didn't I?" I say I have a problem when it comes to being a smart jedi where I only have 3 friends katooni, ahsoka, and captain rex the others just make fun of me for being a nerd "it's alright Y/n you lost track in your mind it's the good part about being smart it means the more you learn the force grows an attachment but yes I'm bringing you with me to check it out and talk to the prime minister on my own how is your invention coming along?" He asks and I shake my head "no luck yet it's supposed to be a motion sensored beacon alert so when the person drops it down it sends an alert and it senses when people are nearby but all I get is sparks and almost falling apart" I say frowning

"Well maybe when I talk with the prime minister and have a chat with a guy named Jango you can have a look around and even check out the training area" he says I look up from the invention and smile "if your okay with that Master kenobi" I say and he nods as well "of course it is as my padawan I trust you fully trust you" he says and I smile putting my invention in my bag and closing it up and put on the headset

We enter his ships hyperdrive ring and we hyperdrive to the kamino system while traveling to the system I look at a holopicture of me with rex and his friends Cody fives and a trooper I met on my 1st day named echo he's really friendly rex is me and ahsoka's good friend I put it in my bag and look up to see hyperdrive drive stop and we've arrived at kamino "there is it young one and R4 right where it should be our missing planet" he says I look at it amazed

"kamino it's so beautiful" I say and he nods and we go to land on their platform and we put our hoods up when the door opens and we get out when I get my bag and run to where the entrance of the building was when our ship door closes when it opens we take our hoods down and we see a kaminoan walk up "Master jedi the prime minister is expecting you" she says and he looks surprised "I'm expected?" He says and she nods "of course he is anxious to meet you after all these years we we're beginning to think you weren't coming and may I ask who you are?" She looks at me

"My name is Y/n L/n I am Master kenobi's padawan ma'am" I say bowing "she has come as a guest with me since I invited her might I ask is it okay if she explores the place while I am talking with the prime minister?" He asks and she bows herself "of course here is a map for you to check out If you want to look around now please this way" she says and he nods following her

I decide to look around the area by checking out the training area I grab my invention out tinkering with it still not turning on but then someone bumped into me and stuff falls out of my bag the map and my invention falls down I look to see who bumped into me and I see a kid with short blonde hair, brown eyes and a beautiful head amulet

"sorry I didn't mean to I was rushing to get to the medical wing I accidentally slept in for the 1st time nala se is gonna wonder where I am here let me help you" she says bending down to help me pick up my stuff I smile and kneel down to help her pick up my stuff too "it is no problem young one I wasn't watching where I was going either it's my 1st time on kamino my name is Y/n L/n padawan of obi-wan kenobi and might I ask who you are?" I say and I help her up when we've pick up all my stuff and she smiles

"my name's omega it's nice to meet you Ms jedi ma'am" she says and I giggle a bit "please call me Y/n say you wouldn't happen to know where the training area is would you?" I ask her and she nods "the tipoca city training area is this way I can show you" she says grabbing my hand and leading me to the training deck area

When we get there I look at her and smile she's a really nice kid "thank you omega but for my question what is a nice girl like you doing here?" I ask She was about to answer but someone answered for her "her job she is my medical assistant one with a curious mind that tends to wonder I'm very sorry if she was disturbing you ma'am" a Kaminoan says and I smile
"no she wasn't disturbing or bothering me I wasn't watching where I was going and accidentally bumped into her she was showing me where the training area was since it is my first time here and my master is talking to the prime minister I thank you omega" I say bowing to her and she does the same "I'm very sorry if I was late nala se" she says to her and she smiles at her "that is quite alright you did the right thing to help her out you are very kind now come along omega we have work to do" she says leading the child she looks back at me and waves bye and I do the same I walk into the training area observation area.

(Hey my loyal paladins and star wars fans so I know I was gonna do maze runner newt x reader but I'm making this book because as you know I have finished the bad batch season and it was very sad seeing that they decided to kill off my bad batch crush so I'm writing this story in memory of him but my theory is he's still alive and will return in season 3 anyways I promise once done I will try and make the newt x reader anyways I better go I have online today please enjoy this books VOLTRON OUT)

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