cut and run

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Y/n's pov

As we're traveling along side scorpion, She hulk, Huggy wuggy, and scout in the hyperspace to j-19 i start to fix up some broken circuits on my holomap while in the copilot seat with teach i turn and see Wrecker and Omega asleep while echo and hunter talked and smiled sitting forward "their asleep, never thought exploring the ship would tire her out" i tell tech smiling and he chuckles "reminds me of a certain someone" he tell me and i chuckle "if you mean that one time where i was trying to find the attack blaster cannon to fight off droids then don't blame me i didn't know. but it was nice getting some sleep after that battle too" i tell him and we both chuckle and i blush a bit "you know it's nice having omega around, i feel like an older sister again. or a space aunt" i tell him and i secretly notice him watching me as i kept an eye on her sleeping peacefully 

i notice him trying to reach to hold my hand but my comm message device went off and he puts his hand back on the steering wheel as i look at it "Hey hunter, got a holomessage from Scorpion looks like we're coming up on Saleucami he told me to tell you guys once we land he'll point the way we need to go after that we're on our own" i tell him and he nods we exit hyperspace and see the planet so we follow them and enter the planet and land the maurauder i get up and exit the ship when the door opens with everyone else following but omega stays back a bit as i approach scorpion as he points "the way you'll need to go is that way i say keep going straight and go through the corn field watch out for booby traps" he tells us and i smile "thank you guys so much, seriously we can't thank you enough for everything you've done" i tell them and he smiles under the mask "well if ya evah need us again or an assistance ya know to call us" Scout tells me and i smile and nod suddenly hearing thunder and look to see a storm "looks to me it's gonna storm, i suggest you get moving. contact us if you need anything else, till we meet again Y/n" She hulk or Jennifer tells us and we nod "till we meet again guys" i say smiling as they all go back to the ship to leave me and the others start heading the way scorpion told us to go

we start walking and some funny creatures start squawking and i chuckle and look at Omega "first time actually being on dirt and grass huh omega?" i ask her and she nods "i like it, it feels amazing" she tells me as i smile "tell me about it. when i brought my daughter Samara to a planet that was raining she ended up coming back all muddy which i didn't mind. you would of loved her" i said and she smiles holding my hand as we enter a crop like field of...i'm actually not sure omega looks at it amazed as i smile following her she looks at a butterfly dragon winged patterned and i smile "so Y/n these friends of your friends they mentioned what are they doing all the way out here?" Echo asks and i look at him "well all scorpion and the others mentioned is that they were hiding with some deserters when this all started but otherwise that's about it, but my guess is that since staying off the radar isn't our specialty sometimes that they have been doing it for either years or since this all started..or both" i mentioned and he looks at us curious "and you trust these guys? your friends could be lying and they could turn on us" he tells me as i chuckle 

"echo i trust them, but also they might be able to help us since we are kinda deserters running from the empire now but it's only till we can find somewhere else to lay low and find work to help us earn credits besides if there's anyone i trust with my life before you guys it's scorpion he practically save me when i was a youngling after his wife and son died when Master Kenobi was still Master Qui-gon's padawan after being surrounded on naboo by battle droids he's the reason i started the jedi padawan training and helped me in previous missions he'd never betray me like that" i tell him as we stopped walking and hunter stops me and Omega "what are we looking at?" she asks us and i chuckle seeing a single trip wire "a booby trap" me and hunter both say as i chuckle "that's what scorpion meant by booby traps? a trip wire? wooow either these friends of theirs forgot to finish or they think we're stupid to fall for that" i say chuckling a bit more before stopping as Wrecker steps over it "single trip wire that's cute" he says chuckling as hunter tries to stop him as i look confused and heard something beep droid decoys pop up from the ground and wrecker starts blasting them "easy wrecker!" hunter tells him and he stops looking at us "was that me?" he ask as i kneel down to look and smile seeing one of my latest old security laser trip wires 

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