reunition mission

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Y/N's pov
I was walking towards where Cody and Rex's bunk area is its been a wild few days lately once we rescued Master Kenobi, Skywalker, and Senator Amidala we went to stop count Dooku, i showed the jedi council my motion censored beacon and they liked it i even gave some i finished to troopers incase of emergencies, unfortunately during a mission we lost echo Rex and the others are still coping but me it took me 4 weeks to stop crying because echo was the 1st person i met here he was like a brother to me, the bad batch and i still talk since they've been traveling for missions Crosshair didn't trust me at first but the more we talk and the more we get interests and skills in he started warming up to me, Wrecker obviously trusted me and might i say we've became best friends straight away he's interested in what i do as a padawan jedi i like his curiosity, Hunter had some doubt bout me but once i gave him some hacks, tips, and lessons on how to shoot a blaster in a ship or his blaster he can always hit his enemy ever since then he's been even calling me his little sister i respect that, and lastly tech he's cute but we had to respect the rules no attachments which broke my heart cause i liked him a little bit since i saved him on kamino during training so far the only ones who kept my crush a secret was Master Kenobi, Senator Amidala, Ahsoka Tano, and master Skywalker but they knew he was kinda my type i mean he's smart, an inventor, and be surprised but we even use the same techniques when it comes to fighting.

i still see the team sometimes during missions so we still have to talk and even hangout before they leave alright back to where i was saying i was heading to Rex's and Cody's bunk area since Master Kenobi let me join them on a mission that was going on with another clone trooper team, Rex, Cody, Kix, and Jesse so i'm pretty excited to do this once i open the door i see Rex looking at a picture of me with Rex, Cody, Fives, and Echo when master Kenobi and i joined them on a mission i walk over to the bed he was sitting on and sit next to him "you miss them don't you?" i ask Fives died because apparently he was going crazy i see rex look at me

"i really do Y/n it's just do you ever feel like Echo is still with us? like the skills the droids are using they're the same moves me and him used during battle" he asks and i look curious "huh now that you mention it your right i remember seeing you and Echo use the same moves but to answer that question sometimes i would hear his voice in my head like he's trying to call out for help but ya never know but if there is a chance he is still out there with us like if they cloned him or something we'll get him back and that's a promise" i say putting my hand on his shoulder then Cody comes in "Y/n would you mind if you give us the room for a bit we'll get you when the team is close i think you'll like it" he says and i nod getting up and walking outside and walking to where i was staying and preparing my gear i have my bag with medical supplies, colored smoke bombs, my lightsaber, and my blaster incase my lightsaber gets blasted out of my hand and i get surrounded

i was about to grab my holocom device when it started going off so i grab it and turn it on for it to answer and a holographic image of Hunter comes up and i smile "hey sis how ya holding up?" he asks and i smile he calls me sis as a nickname "been holding up well training and been dealing with a war how's it been going without me keeping wrecker company?" i ask smirking a bit before he could answer wrecker's body comes in the call "HI Y/N!" he yells waving and i chuckle a bit "hi wrecker how ya been?" i ask and he chuckles back "we just finished a mission we were on yalbec prime and we got the queens stinger" he says and i look in shock "your serious? you guys actually got the stinger of a yalbec queen? that's like a rare and delicacy how'd you guys get it?" i ask and crosshair comes too "well we should be thanking you seeing it was your tip of advice and well how do i say this they took your word for the knife advice and it ended up working for both of these two" he says and i looked shocked "your serious? you guys used the vibro-knifes? and they worked like not break off right away they worked worked?" i ask and they nodded "yes i can't believe it actually worked i'm so happy...hey where's tech?" i ask confused crosshair and wrecker leave the room

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