on the wings of keeradaks

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Y/n's POV

I was trying to grab my extra energy shots to help him get echo his energy back as Master Skywalker comes in "situation's almost under control out there, how's it going in here?" he asks us and i look at him "so far i found out that with these wires in him are actually cerebro interface with the computer system so while Tech finds out how to decrypt it i'm trying to help rex by seeing if we can get echo's energy back with these enershots no luck it's like something in his system is blocking it" i say as he looks at tech "well how is that going?" he asks Tech as i try these enershot again still nothing "i'm still trying to decrypt Echo's cerebral interface so until i do we cannot disconnect him from the computer system" he says as i look at his stats still nothing 

"how is he guys?" he asks us and Rex stands up "he's too weak to walk very disoriented doesn't even remember how he got here he remembers being at the citadel but that's about it" he says and i check his system "i tried every enershot i had but his body is rejecting them, i would try the energy pill but to do that he'd have to have at least something to drink with it i'm out of options here" i say and stand up looking at him "any word on the extraction squad?" he asks as i check my comm bracelet "we called in but no word back" he says and i try nothing "nothing on my end either best we can do is try and find an exit point when we get echo decrypted and disconnected then we can try again" i say as i look at wrecker taking a droid down "well that's no surprise we knew when we got into this we'd be on our own" Master Skywalker says as Wrecker, Hunter, and Crosshair blast the droids as Marco runs in

when they get inside they close the door and destroy the control pad "it's gonna get more difficult to get out of here there are several squads of droids closing in" Hunter tells us as the droid try opening the door and i look at Marco "now you regret not brought star with?" i ask him and he nods as wrecker throws a droid head off and try helping crosshair and Hunter hold the door close once fully closed Crosshair and hunter use their welding like tools to weld the door closed "what now?" i ask crosshair as he checks "enemies droids lots of them" he says and i look at master Skywalker "how long can you hold them off?" he asks and hunter asks how long does he need "tech, how much longer?" he asks him "not yet i need more time" he responds and i get up "i can help him out it'd be faster and better with 2 people but we'd need them distracted as long as we can" i say and he nods

i rush over to help out tech "nice to give you a hand isn't it?" i ask and he nods as we try to decrypt it as soon as we type in i can tell we almost got it as soon as we type in more we then get through "We've got it" he says as he takes the helmet off and i look at Rex "decryption is done, so he is no longer connected to the system" i say walking over to Rex "we can unplug him now" Tech says and as i turn echo around rex unplugs the wires on him when we got them off he falls and i quickly catch him "hey, your alright buddy i gotcha" i say gently setting him down on the floor as he starts grunting in pain from the unplugging "Y/n?" he says and i look at him "yeah, yeah i'm here bud what is it?" i ask and rex looks concerned as echo coughs and he smiles "i've got a big headache" he says and i chuckle getting the pun "no fair man now that makes 7-3 i feel like we need to start over especially after worrying me...but it's good to have ya back bud" i say giving him a hug and he hugs back

i hear him chuckle a little as he hugs back "good to be back, especially since i missed picking on you" he says and i pull away chuckling smiling but master skywalker interrupts "it's a touching reunion guys but we need to get out of here now" he says and me and Marco both lift his arms behind our necks and help him out "there's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling systems right there" he says pointing up and as i look i sigh "aw man, so anyone know a way up there?" i ask suddenly there's a laser at the door "they've breached the front door it won't be long before they're through the second" he says and suddenly echo turns and uses some droid wrench like hand he got and it turns suddenly i hear something open "that should get it open" he says and i smile seeing it open "nice going man, but also i think rex might have to take ya when we go up cause i cannot throw you up there" i say chuckling 

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