Chapter Two - Mystery Pile Of Goop

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Sapphire watched the lunch lady scoop some sloppy pinkish-brown colored food onto her tray and she added a tiny apple, too. Sapphire walked to the table Lisia sat at. Usually there would be around five other kids sitting there with Lisia, but there were at least twelve sitting around at the table.

What the hell...? Sapphire thought as she cautiously walked up to the table, as if everyone there had the plague. Sapphire was lucky enough to squeeze in between Lisia and some other random kid.

"What's going on?!" Sapphire whisper-shouted into Lisia's ear.

"I uh... I invited the new kid to the table, and everyone is crowding around him... Sorry." Lisia whisper-shouted back into Sapphire's ear. "He is really cool. You should say hi when you get the chance!"

Sapphire sighed and started eating the apple on her tray. She was too afraid to eat the pinkish-brown stuff. Who knew what that could be? As Sapphire's father, Professor Birch, has always said... It's better to be safe than sorry! 

As Sapphire ate, she looked at the crowd of people. Lisia was right-- they were all surrounding this one kid who was sitting across from Lisia. He was smiling and talking-- probably answering all the questions those lunatics have for him. Sapphire didn't really like him from her first impressions, though. He had a red and white beanie on, revealing only a bit of his jet-black hair. He had red eyes that matched his beanie. Sapphire didn't understand Blue's comment on everyone's eyes being pretty. Those red eyes looked pretty ugly in Sapphire's opinion. Sapphire did think one of the many rumors were true, though. He was wearing a Gucci sweatshirt.

He's rich! That's why all those kids are crowded around him-- do they want his money? He doesn't have those charming looks... So it's probably money. Sapphire thought as she stared at the crowd. She realized that she was staring for a bit too long, though, since the new kid looked at her and smiled. Sapphire glared back, and he instantly looked away.

Sapphire decided to look at her phone. She usually never uses it, but she didn't have anything better to do. She had two notifications-- one text message from her dad, which she swiped left on to clear. She didn't feel like reading it. Then there was one from Instagram. Sapphire tapped on it, and it led to one of Lisia's posts. Sapphire read it

Lisia is having a party?! Sapphire thought as she read the post. In two weeks? Why hasn't she told me? Well... She probably told me but I forgot. Whatever, I'll ask about it later. 

Sapphire looked at the time on her phone. There was one minute till lunch ended! Sapphire turned off her phone and put into her hoodie pocket before she stood up to clear her tray. When she got to the trash can, Sapphire was surprised to find Gold there. Her nemesis. 

"Wild girl! It's been a while." Gold said. Sapphire could tell he was holding back the urge to insult her.

"Yeah, been a while..." Sapphire said as she dumped the mystery shit into the trash can. "Tell me. What do you think of the new kid?"

"Asking me, huh? That's new." Gold said. Sapphire glared at him, so he continued. "Well, he's pretty hot. I'm sure that basically 99% of the school has the hots for him, though."

"Well I'm sure you're wrong. You have the hots for everyone, dumbass." Sapphire growled. 

"Including you?" Said Gold with a cocky grin.

Sapphire whacked him on the head with her lunch tray, leaving some of the goop from the mystery food in his hair. Gold rubbed his head where Sapphire hit him. There was a big bump.

"TEACHER!!! SHE HIT ME!!" Gold shouted. Sapphire could see that he was forcing tears into his eyes.

Oh, shit! I forgot he was this childish! Sapphire thought as she dropped her lunch tray and ran out of the lunch room. She waited outside of the door. She knew that Gold will never get his way. None of the teachers trusted him at all. But any of the teachers did listen to him this time, then Sapphire would be in huge trouble. Sapphire has a reputation for being somewhat of a bully, because she has anger issues and tends to hit others when they piss her off a lot. So if she gets in trouble, her punishment is usually worse than any normal kid would get for doing that.

Thankfully, the bell rang. Sapphire waited outside of the lunch room for Lisia to walk out. They always walk to their next period together, which was PE.

Sapphire then saw Lisia's head of blue hair walk out of the double doors and she waved. "Hey, Lisia!" Sapphire chimed.

Instead of replying, Lisia walked past Sapphire and walked down the hall towards the locker rooms. Sapphire also noticed she was walking next to the new kid, who she still didn't know the name of.

"Lisia! Wait!" Sapphire called, but a little quieter that time. Sapphire knew Lisia wouldn't hear her anyway. Sapphire followed Lisia and the other kid down the hall to the locker rooms silently. She felt completely betrayed, but she also tried to stay optimistic.

She probably just wanted to hang out with the new kid today because he's new. Sapphire thought as she walked into the girl's locker room. Yeah, that's it! Lisia and I are best friends, after all. No one will get in the way, especially that "charming" new kid.

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