Chapter Three - "SIR YES SIR!"

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"EVERYONE LINE UP!" The PE teacher shouted. "THE BELL RANG, SO THE PERIOD STARTED! LINE UP!" He looked around the room and scratched his prickly face. He quickly snapped his head behind him. 

"YOU!" He shouted at a girl who just walked in. "Detention for being late! Now go line up!" He handed the girl a pre-written yellow detention slip and turned around. He walked in front of the line of students. He pointed at one kid. "POSTURE!" He shouted, and the kid quickly straightened his back. "Good. Detention slips for anyone else who doesn't have good posture. Now. Today we will be running the mile. I wouldn't be surprised if none of you twigs can do it." He stomped his foot on the ground, and all the students chanted.


"Good! And we all understand to only run on the track?" He stomped his foot again.


"And no hopping the fence?" He said, stomping his foot again before the students chanted.


"And no running away?" He stomped his foot.


"GOOD!" He shouted, and he looked at the new kid who Sapphire still didn't know the name of. "You! Kid!" He shouted again as he walked up to the new kid. "What's your name?"

"R-Ruby..." Ruby said cautiously.

"Ruby... Okay. Interesting name that is. Your parent's must've been high when naming you." The teacher grunted. "Ruby. Do you understand the procedure around here in my classroom?" He stomped his foot, and Ruby stayed silent. He stomped his foot again.

"Sir yes sir...?" Ruby said.

The PE teacher sighed, and a few students snickered. He snapped his head to where the snickering came from. "IF I HEAR ANY SNICKERIN' FROM YOU RATS AGAIN ALL OF YOU GET DETENTION SLIPS, YOU HEAR?!" He stomped his foot loudly.


"Good!" He snapped his head back to Ruby. "Now, try doing that louder." He stomped his foot.

"Sir, yes sir!" Ruby said.

"Good enough..." The teacher said. "And just to let you know, Ruby, this ain't girl scout camp! You better get those flimsy legs workin' or you'll be left in the dump, you hear?" He stomped his foot.

"Sir, yes sir!" Ruby chanted.

"GOOD! NOW EVERYONE OUT TO THE TRACK!!" The teacher shouted, and everyone sprinted out of the gym to the track.


Sapphire was one of the first out to the track, and she instantly began sprinting. She knew she didn't have to sprint, but she decided to anyway. She didn't like running slowly. To Sapphire, it is very boring to run slow. She likes to feel the wind against her face as she runs, and she likes the slight burn in her legs after she finishes the mile.

Sapphire panted as she began her third lap on the track. She saw Lisia running ahead of her. Sapphire probably lapped her at least once by now. Sapphire noticed Lisia was running with the new kid, who Sapphire now knew as Ruby. Usually Sapphire would slow down to run with Lisia for a little bit, but this time she didn't. She just didn't like Ruby. 

"Hey, Lisia!!" Sapphire shouted as she dashed past Lisia. She didn't know if Lisia responded or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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