Chapter 17: The Dragon Filled Skies!

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Lucy was sent into the wall and fell to the ground after taking a hit from Gajeel's metal arm. Lucy was covered in bruises, the reason being that Gajeel was beating her up after she woke back up.

Gajeel: "You're gonna have to scream better than that! I guess your heart just ain't in it right now."

Phantom Wizard 1: "Gajeel, hey hasn't she had enough? Besides, the master said that he doesn't want her getting hurt or anything"

Gajeel: "But what else AM I supposed to do? I can't believe he's doing this. He leaves me to babysit blondie here while he hogs all the fun to himself."
Gajeel then transformed his fist again and started to walk toward Lucy.

Gajeel: "I'm just playing with my new toy anyway."
Phantom Wizard 1: "But, If the master catches you doing this, we're all going to be finished."

Gajeel then stretched his metal arm out to the talking wizard and hit him across the face, knocking the wizard out in the progress.

Gajeel: "Shut your trap, I know Master thinks she's important but she is nothing but Fairy Scum to me. Even if she's a girl she's still a wizard. She didn't even know what she was getting into when she was joining the guild."

Phantom Wizard 2: "You're still taking it too far man, let it go."

Phantom Wizard 3: "The Master is gonna lose it, isn't he?"

Gajeel: "If he does I'll just say that it was all your idea! hehe."

Phantom Wizard 2 and 3: "Please don't do that!"
Gajeel: "Gotta say though, I kinda feel sorry for her. Her Guild Members didn't even want her back until they found out her family was loaded!"

Lucy then tried to get up, trembling as she did so, a smirk came across her face, which surprised Gajeel.

Lucy: "Geez, you are so dumb I can barely believe it. It's just so sad, I actually feel a bit sorry for you. You don't scare me at all."

Phantom Wizard 2: "Did she really just say that? To GAJEEL?!"

Gajeel said nothing but made up for his silence with action. His arm extended and hit Lucy, crushing her between the wall and his extending arm.

Lucy: "Urgh!"

Gajeel: "Takes some nerve to run your mouth in a situation like this princess. I'll admit though, you've got guts."

Gajeel then retracted his arm, leaving Lucy to fall and gasp for the air that was knocked out of her.

Gajeel: "Make some noise! And not this garbage your spouting either! Scream for me! Cause if you don't I'll make sure you'll be sorry.

Lucy then looked up at Gajeel with a smile on her face.

Lucy: "Do it then. Finish me. Then you'll be the one to be sorry. Just you wait."

Gajeel: "That so princess? Who's gonna make me?"

Lucy: "Fairy Tail. They're never gonna let you get away with this. They will be out for revenge. So you better watch your back... 'cause the world's scariest guild is coming after you!"

Gajeel: "So they're all gonna come after me huh? SOUNDS LIKE FUN!!"

Gajeel then turned both of his arms into iron and leaped into the air.

Phantom Wizard 2: "Gajeel, NO!"

Phantom Wizard 3: "Stop it!"

Gajeel laughed as he descended towards Lucy, extending an arm to attack her, until suddenly the floor started to crack open, and the floor broke apart Natsu flew up through the floor and attacked Gajeel, sending him flying away from Lucy. Gajeel then landed on his feet. Gajeel looked up to see the fire wizard exert his magical power, his power taking the form of a dragon.

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