Chapter 19

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(hey guys, sorry about the wait. as always, school and stress. but we'll be out soon and stuff. so more updates, yay. -Delta)

Jake's POV (Going back in time a tad, woo)~

He sighs heavily after going into the hospice wing of the hospital. He walks down the large white corridor, the blank walls he had memorized from how many times he had walked down them. He stops in front of a oak door, gripping the handle before turning it slowly.

The room, once he entered, was empty. Everything cleaned and sterile. He frowns deeply at this. Normally this is the room that his grandmother had resided in. The severe lack of old person caused a stirring in his chest, not a good one.

He knew this was a mistake. He shouldn't have check. He runs a hand through his hair, an attempt to calm himself as he walks out of the room towards the attendance desk.

A women in sea foam green scrubs sat behind it, tapping away at her computer. As Jake approaches the counter, she looks up with a kind smile that spread across his sun-kissed skin before she speaks out in a soft tone. "Hello, sir, what can I help you with today?"

Jake slips one hand in a pocket of his shorts while the other slides up to rub at the back of his neck. "Uh, why yes you can. It seems that my grandmother has been moved. Would you happen to know where she was moved to? Her last name is English." The women nods as she taps on a keyboard connected to the computer.

A badge pinned through the scrubs she wore said her name was Josie. What a nice name. Her face seems to fall before she looks at Jake's face, an apologetic look in her eyes. "I'm sorry sir but it seems that your grandmother passed away last week." Jake slowly nods, taking in the new information. His grandmother was all he had growing up as a child.

He takes in a deep breath before walking out of the hospice wing and towards where he saw Dirk disappear down. He walks down the hallway, fighting off tears until he sees the spiked hair of his friend in one of the rooms. He quietly makes his way to the door, knocking before entering. As Dirk finishes up his talking with his presumed brother, he keeps his head down and sniffles on occasion, still shocked by the news. He feels Dirk slip an arm around his shoulders and lead him out of the room before a sob slips out of his mouth, his body trembling as he leans against the other.

Dirk looks down at Jake with a slight frown, cocking an eyebrow as if asking what had gotten into him. He only mumbles quietly in reply. "She's dead..."

(here ya filthy animals, take it. just kidding, you all are beautiful people. i hope this semi long chapter makes up for the fact that i'm a giant asshole who has no motivation. but i'm hoping to start one of those 30 day otp writing things tomorrow so look out for that maybe. it'll probably end up being a bunch of different ones so that should be fun. anyways, hope y'alls summers/winters are going well.  -Delta)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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