Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I'm having my friend, LightsEnd, help me with this. They're going to writing in Dirk's POV, so here's their first chapter. Enjoy!

Dirk's POV-

Dirk slowly rises from his bed, grumbling as he hears the alarm clock on the other side of his bed. He slowly trudges over to it before slamming his hand down on the off button. He walk around his room and find his change of clothes, a simple shirt with a orange hat, black jeans, and grey converse. He walks into his bathroom, brushing his teeth and fixing his hair into its normal spiky position. He goes back to his room and changed into his clothes, making sure everything in his messenger bag is in order before trudging downstairs with his stuff in hand. He pops some bread in the toaster and checks the time, and makes a note that he has roughly 5 minutes until he has to go to that hellhole of a school. 'This is gonna be awful, just like every other day' he thinks as he slowly takes the toast out of the toaster, putting the warm bread in his mouth, and grabbing his shades of the counter, placing them over his orange eyes before walking out the door of his apartment building, making a mental note to pick a few things up from the store on his way back from school. 'Well, times up for relaxing' he thinks as he starts jogging to the bus stop.

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