Stupid cracked flowerpot

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Lynn's POV

I sighed as I carefully watched my victim's house. I was going to murder this old rapist dude who had a kid. That 'kid,' about 21 years old, was a murderer, and thankfully dead, courtesy of yours truly.

I don't randomly kill people. Fuck no. The shitty, biased community doesn't know this, so to them, I'm a shitty mass murderer with no guilty conscience. I just don't feel guilty for getting rid of criminals who got away with no punishment. Although, killing innocents is just a whole other level of sadism.

Since this guy I was about to murder was a rapist, I would first have to get into the house.

My thoughts didn't wander too far off into the distance, though, because as soon as I thought of my dinner waiting for me at home, I heard a window opening with my sharp hearing.

'That's probably him,' I thought.

Well, I mean what d'you expect? Another rapist, perhaps? My inner voice drawled out.

'Well, no, but we need to hurry up!'

3rd POV

She didn't waste another minute and raced towards where the rough window scraped against the windowsill. Lynn looked up. There he was, looking up into the night sky where all the stars were hiding, some blinking at her from their hidden sanctuary.

Sometimes Lynn wished she were one of those stars, beautiful, bright, and carefree. Then she'd be safe from her past, her late parents, and her problems.

Ah, wishful thinking again, are we? Well, back to Earth. This kill is way too easy. I think this is a plan to-

'Shut up! It's fine, I'll just throw a knife at his head, let him drop to the ground, set him on fire after killing him, blah blah blah. We already know the basics, idiot.'

Watch who you're calling an idiot. You do know I'm you, right? And you're me?

'Uh huh,' Lynn thought. Then her thoughts snapped back to her victim, and she stiffened. It looked like he was listening to something. Something not meant to be listened to. Something private.

I mean, he looked very smug from this angle.

She slowly drew her knife. It accidentally made a slow, sharp 'shink!' noise that made the man slowly look at her.


His eyes widened and he quickly retreated into his house, locking the windows shut quickly.

'Seriously, dude?' Lynn scoffed internally.

Don't blame me for a kill you could've gotten easily. Then we could've been home by now and eating the newly made lasagna-.

'Shush already! We don't need your snarky comments right now.'

We don't need your snarky comments right now, her inner voice mimicked. Sure, ya, whatever. I'll be here at your every beck and call, master.

Lynn's POV

I rolled my eyes. Then I realized,

'Fuck, we're supposed to kill the rapist!' I groaned.

I scaled the walls quickly, climbing up the helpful vines. I went to a dark window and, using my knife to help me, unlocked the window. That way the window wouldn't alert everyone inside that there was an intruder.

They already know there's an intruder, Your Majesty, because your stupid ass, no offense obviously, failed to kill the rapist and he probably, like, 99.9% alerted everyone inside already. They're definitely on their way out right now.

Just as that had been said, the door under me opened and I nearly fell, not from surprise, but from the shock that my consciousness was correct.

"WHERE IS HE?" the rapist yelled. Quite stupidly, cause if I heard that, I would either be my old, naive self and run or draw my knife and murder him on the spot.

However, none of the options were quite good, as I couldn't run, being surrounded by dark, shadowy men, and I couldn't murder him because he was surrounded by those dark, shadowy men too.

Oh, and the rapist dude said 'Where is HE' because, to the world, my name was Shadow Ashes and I'm a man who's 6'4.

They think that because once, I was murdering a businessman who trafficked young children for the money that he was in debt for. I set him on fire, and an employee saw me, as he was hiding in the office's bathroom. The shadows made it look as if I were crouching when I wasn't, so he was like, OMG! The dude's 6'4!!! then he ran away screaming bloody murder.

So, yeah, I'm scary like that, in my black assassins clothing. I yanked a pot from the windowsill and threw it to the side of the house, opposite from my side. The rapist yelled,

"Get him!!!!"

3rd POV

The bodyguards rushed over but found nothing but a cracked flowerpot with damp dirt flowing out of the cracks.

They rushed back to the man, but all they found was a burning flame slowly dying out, and a piece of paper on the tree next to it.

'Dead' said the note, rudely shoving its face into their minds. Their eyes twitched. Then the bodyguards turned on each other and started fighting, saying it was their fault.

Meanwhile in a tree...

'Jeez, man. No need to be so violent on each other.' Lynn raised her eyebrows and sighed quietly. Then without a trace of her being there, she disappeared.

And meanwhile in another tree...

Dark, hazel eyes blinked and disappeared.

So...did you like it? I hope you did, and don't forget to comment, vote, and follow!😉

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